DAILY CHAT/ TUESDAY/06/08/2013: Good morning... - Quit Support

Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
21 Replies

Good morning ,

Sunny again, happy again , smiling again, and happy.

How are you today? I do hope you can pick at least one word of the above

to describe yourself.

Have a beautiful smoke-free Tuesday.

Any problems shout! someone will always help you. :)

Kettles on.

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jillygirl profile image
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21 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly and everyone.

Yep, the sun's shining here too. Don't think I'll go to the beach today but do a bit of gardening - the grass hasn't been cut for 3 weeks now and it's nearly gone green again.

I've got some lovely bruises come out from my massage yesterday so think I'd better go and ice them before I start. ;-)

See you later. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Morning Andi. Have a lovely day gardening. Think we are off for a ride. P.S. think your right about the grass. :D


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

:D :D Nearly. Good! I'm so glad that you're off for a ride out - you deserve it. :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Morning everyone well going to try again. Quit for 3 months and have been smoking again (far too many) for 2 months don't really enjoy a cig but hubby smokes and we just have one together. Have had a bit of a scare after suffering the bc now have had a cough and chest infection for over 3 weeks so waiting to go for a chest xray and think this is a kick up the backside to say try again. So please I need your support you helped me through it last time!! Thank you and love to everyone suec x

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to simba196

Oh no Suec, wondered where you'd got to. :(

Come on then, get back on that horse and do it again, you are stronger than your hubby and you really need to keep coming here to keep on track. 3 months wasn't really that long in the grand scheme of things even though at the time it seems such a huge milestone to have reached. A good practice for this time. :)

Good luck with the xray and welcome aboard. :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to andi22

Thank you Andi it did seem an age and I did a stupid thing starting again both for health and wallet. Just hope I can do it again.

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Good morning

I will go for "happy again" & feeling better (but hope it lasts).

Pete - can I stop doing the breathing exercises & press-ups yet ?? Thanks for your advice to "calm down" that was exactly what I needed to do - rather than go off on one which I so often do.

Anyway a new day and I am so glad to say I am a NON SMOKER, building up time is what this is all about and going through all the rather strange things that happen as the body & mind try to recover.

Have a great day everyone & MANY THANKS



andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to quit

Good morning J, glad you're feeling so good this morning. Don't forget, you can't really let your guard down for a long time yet - just look at Simba (Suec) above for a lesson on that. ;-)

That's what this site is all about - helping each other to succeed by (hopefully) learning from each other's experiences.

Have a good day and enjoy the sun if possible. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everyone :D :D

I've had a couple of days away with my family up in Norn Ireland and although it's only been a couple of days, it feels like I've been away for ever!

JillyGirl, being back in work today feels like it's Monday so I know that I'll be confused for the rest of the week as to what day it is, sooooo.... my chosen words from your start of the day is... "Here we go...." :-/ Enjoy your ride out :-)


Lovely to see you back SimbaSue, we'll have you back on track before you know it. It may be worth starting from the beginning and revisiting your reasons for why you want to quit, what you enjoy about smoking etc and then think about braving up and setting a quit date. Remember that the key to success is all in the planning beforehand. As Andi says, you had a good 3 month practice, think about what you have learnt from it and how you can put all your best efforts into the next time around :D


Jonathan, you're getting the time under your belt. The more days that pass, the stronger you become and the more you learn about how addictive this smoking malarkey really is :D


Andi, I've not caught up on yesterdays daily chat but I see you are as active as ever, what kind of massage did you have that would give you bruises?! :-/ I'm guessing it may have been with hot stones maybe? Enjoy your gardening, since we've had Agnes and Gertie chucks, we've only had to cut the grass once! :D


Big waves to everyone else :D


quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Andi, Emjay, Suec (Simba), Jilly, Pete & all / everyone

"Yes" more days = STRONGER

& also "yes" Andi "I can NOT let my guard down for a long time...." understand this now (I hope).

Suec can I wish you the very best of luck in setting a date & your new quit.

You will not want to hear much from someone with "L" plates (beginner) but I know 1000% that we must all get away from smoking (Mr Nic) with all the damage it does to us & people all around the world.

I am still having cravings and feeling odd but it is lifting slowly slowly and I can see how much it had me and all the damage to myself over all those years (chest pains & bad asthma, no sense of smell / taste etc)

Hope you do not mind me saying this but could you and your husband work it out together .... maybe both look at "damage caused by smoking" on Google - that gave me a big shock !!! (Sorry - hope you don't mind me adding my few pence worth !!)

Anyway this NON smoker is going back to work.


Best wishes



simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to quit

Thank you for the support Jonathan. I did well before but was having radiotherapy and couldn't smoke but as soon as it finished I started again. Need to get more willpower, I know I want to stop but stress makes me start again. Going to try meditation for the stress and hopefully fingers crossed I can get over the 3 month mark. Sue c x

EmJay profile image

Hey Jonathan, here's a cup of tea for you which carries a little spark of magic in it to see you through the next mental craving;


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi there everyone., First of all welcome back Sue C. Its almost like a wrestling or boxing match. Sue C vs. Nic.

Round 2.


You are sure to be a winner this time. :)

Emjay glad your back. don't be working too hard. :)

Andi have you finished the garden yet. heres something to keep you going.


Jonathan what can I say except keep on being strong and positive, :) :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner in reply to jillygirl

Thanks Jillygirl, need to get motivated and get a stress buster. You are a star your pics are fantastic and always raise a smile. I have missed being on this site. Sue c x

andi22 profile image

Love the wrestling Jilly, just come in from the garden for a cuppa and need to eat something so I can hopefully survive my run this evening. :o Didn't go out til this afternoon as I thought I'd pop to the shops this morning - spent too much just on groceries.

I hope you enjoyed your ride out and are now relaxing and enjoying the sunshine. 8-)

Emjay, I was wondering where you'd got to. Grass is now cut and I'm just pottering a bit - weeding, snipping, you know how it is. Not enough to make much difference at this stage. Do you move your hens around the grass? I bet you can't really walk on it any more cos of all the chicken sh**. ;-)

I think I have a bit of malt loaf left over so I'll eat that. Coke? think I'll pass on that thanks Jilly, I may drink it a couple of times a year - doesn't tast like it used to! :D :D

andi22 profile image

Evening all - quiet on here tonight. :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Hi Andi just bobbed to see if anything happening, your right it is very quiet. I am off for my shower now so I will wish you a good night. See you tomorrow. xxxx :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

:D :D :D Nite nite then, see you tomorrow, sleep well. :) xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite everybody :) am sorry ave missed you all, so I will come on here tomorrow night and i wont half give you some stick :P :P :D :D :D

I hope you all have a lovely nights sleep :) and no flippin dreaming about fags eh :o :D :D

Speak tomorrow, Pete :) xxxxx

Well am off to bed in a minute. Got hubby to hospital for 7.30am and he was still sat in patient admissions at 11.30am. Grrrr. What a day. Stopped off at my daughters on way back from hospital so got there at like 8.00am. Didn't get away til getting on for 12. Heard nothing further from hubby, he seemed to have vanished! Went to see my mum this afternoon but within less than an hour of leaving my daughters house she phoned up to say she had locked herself out of the house. :o luckily having already put the kids in the car so at least they weren't locked in the house. Soooo she went to my mums also. Then on the advice of her partner who doesn't get home from work until 6.30pm she went home to see if she could reach the keys on the other side of the door through the letter box. Then phoned me cos she could only get her hand in up to her knuckles and said she was coming up to my house to wait for her partner to get home from work. In the meantime heard from hubby who had had his op and was back on the ward. Then had to cook tea for me, my daughter and my grandson, then my son turned up with a pizza, wanting to put that in the oven and I had to get back out of the house for 6.00pm to get to the hospital for 6.30pm visiting.

(Bet am talking to myself here cos you will all have gone to bed by the time I've finished :( )

Anyways I left for the hospital leaving my kids at home to sort themselves out. Hubby had to stay in overnight cos his nose won't stop bleeding. Now I don't know whether it was the anaesthetic or whether it was the boredom of the day but he never shut up talking for the whole two hours I was there, I couldn't get a word in edgeways and when I did manage to speak he wasn't listening. He's not usually like that so I'm thinking it was the anaesthetic, plus trying to have a conversation with someone who has a large bandage thing tied under their nose and round the back of their head with even more tissue hanging over their mouth, it's pretty hard to take them seriously to be honest.

Even more in the meantime, my daughters partner managed to get the keys out of the other side of the door with a coathanger and a mirror through the letter box - amazing, we have now christened him Burglar Bill. I don't know, my daughter has caused more mini and major dramas since she left school than she ever did throughout the whole of her childhood. There is NEVER a dull moment in our house.

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