Hi all, have been taking champix for 3 weeks now and stopped smoking the end of the 1st week, not being crude but having major probs with bowl movements, used to be daily now 3-4 days, has any one else had this problem?
Any one get bad wind with champix?: Hi all... - Quit Support
Any one get bad wind with champix?

Hi rockster. Whilst I think Champix probably does cause wind and made me go to the loo so much, ummm how do I put this.... in the waterworks department...... that I was convinced at first that I had an infection, but a urine sample test came up with nothing. I also had permanent back ache, which I actually think was my kidneys, until I stopped taking Champix when the back ache and the nightly trips to the loo almost instantly vanished.
As far as bowl movements go (or don't ) this I think is something everyone suffers from when they first stop smoking. When you stop smoking your metabolism slows down. As your metabolism regulates all your bodily functions it takes some time for your body to adjust. You will get better after a few weeks but in the meantime Fybogel is really good for constipation. It's a very gentle laxative and will help lots - bit expensive though.
Good luck with your quit, hope everything goes well.

Hi Rockster, well done on making what is probably the best decision of your life, especially with regards to improving your health
As Sin has already said, it is more likely that your bowel movements are caused by you stopping smoking rather than the Champix itself. Given time, everything should start to help itself out.
Let me know what your quit date was and I'll pop your name up on our 'Wall of Winners - The place where every quitter is a winner
Well done to you

Aup Rockster A big big welcome to this lovely quit support site, and a massive well done to you for quitting
Rite down to brass tacks, as they say
I've used champix, and the only drawback i got with it was, I used to have a rite job getting out of bed, talk about being tiered
had a rite job getting up in the mornings.
I've also used the patches, now then, they did give me wind ha ha ha I can remember, the first time I used them, and I was also trying to cut my lager intake down, so I was drinking fanta orange !! I tell you, I had wind coming from everywhere
I've tried to quit a few times now, When I am smoking, I get up in the morning and I am straight on the erm, loo.
No matter what NRT I use to help me quit, this dosnt happen It all changes, but like the Girls have said, it all settles down after a bit
speak soon.
Hi Pete
Thanks for update. I myself when was smoking straight on the loo also, that's why its been a bit of a shock now only every 3/4 days. I previously did try patches/gum etc and did not succeed. However this time is different i think its down to all the graphic pics, the price of cigs, and def started to feel a bit of a outcast as it is becoming very anti social it seems, being one of the lepers outside in the freezing cold/rain and stinking when I came back in. My other half does not smoke and kept going on all the time, also my 5 year old started making the comment (your not going outside for another ciggie!) Which made me feel terrible. So think it has to be the right time for each individual, admittedly it has only been 2 weeks and one day I am very headstrong to always be a non smoker just to prove everyone wrong who said I could not do it. Not that strong tho at the mo to meet up with my few smoker friends. This is a great page tho, as all more understanding then people who have never smoked. have not felt tired with champix but have had some very odd dreams ans very bad wind also feeling very sick at times but will battle on....