Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
Albert Camus
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
Albert Camus
Congrats on the new job Martin. Hope all goes well. Have a great smoke free weekend
Sue xx
Hi Martin
Pleased you've got the new job, hope all goes well. New starts are good, it's the great thing about life, every day's a new one
Aww, that's a cute pic. Good luck with your new job, hope its all you're expecting it to be.
Yes, congratulations from me too.
New starts are "good". We get one very morning... My way of coping/enjoying life is to "stay in the day". It's so easy to miss the moments we're already in. I still make Plans for the future - I just don't try to live there.
I've been reading some of the other blogs about - not being motivated. Ie no rewards to look forward to, after we do our stuff throughout the day. And yes, I have the same problem - often. I can sit and stare out of the window... and Lo... there's another hour or two gone!
But really...does it matter? I'm sure I think everyone else is zipping along, multi-tasking and living meaningful lives. Well, the ones I know that do, are frazzled and mega neurotic - I don't want to live that way.
At 65, I'm finally finding out how to be "just me", and it it feels okay! On my own too Kath, Hubby long dead, no kids, a Sister and Brother 350 miles away that I visit once a year. But, I have happy days, if friends do pop round, they come to see me - not my house. And if one person doesn't like me - so what? - somebody else will!
We worry too much sometimes... we're all trained from birth to do that. Forget it... It doesn't work. When I lower my expectations - I don't get disappointed, and have a better day!
So, I do the best I can... and usually go to bed content. The mistakes I make, well, I can learn from them or not... my choice.
So, enjoy your new job Martin, you have another chance to enjoy there.
Like everyone else says enjoy your new job. what a lovely picture ans saying. XX
Aup Martin, its nice to see you on here again pal
I hope you enjoy your new job and its up to your expectations
am just wondering if you are still smokefree ??