ARE WE .....: Angry because we are frustrated... - Quit Support

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ARE WE .....

6 Replies

Angry because we are frustrated or are we frustrated because we are angry?

Similar to the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” or is it one of those questions that either has loads and loads of answers or no answer at all?

My blog ‘I REALLY MUST’ actually inspired this one because I mention frustration and being frustrated in it and I got to thinking about it today whilst at work and it is a bit like that song you get in your head which remains there all day – no matter that I was adding up columns of figures, this just kept popping up constantly and became my frustration of the day!

Think the first thing to do is to start with the definition of the word ‘frustrate’ and it’s quite funny actually because the dictionary I use defines frustrate as ‘to prevent someone or something from succeeding’. Now, I personally find that so ironic as it is sooo very pertinent to quitting smoking – in fact I find it spooky and/or uncanny. One could take it a stage further by defining frustrate as ‘to stop someone (you/me) from succeeding in something (stopping smoking)’ now that to me is concise, clear and so very, very true.

So, now we know what frustrate means it would seem pretty obvious that frustration is our response to not being able to immediately succeed in achieving our goal. In other words, we want to quit smoking and we want to quit NOW not in 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months, NOW, if not sooner. For me therefore, frustration is an emotional response to our quitting and emotion is defined as a state of (i) joy; (ii) sorrow; (iii) fear; (iv) hate and (v) anger. All of these answers can be linked to smoking – (i) our joy at succeeding in quitting no matter the length of time; (ii) our sorrow if we fail; (iii) our fear of failure or the fear that we can’t live without cigarettes; (iv) we all hate the fact that we are addicted to smoking and (v) anger because it is so much easier to say the words ‘I am quitting smoking’ than it is to actually do the deed.

There we have it folks all nice words but to me they sum up how I feel whilst I am in the process of quitting on a high one minute and down on a low the next with every conceivable emotion that you can think of in between the two thrown in.

I have to admit that I feel so much better for being able to describe in words my emotions whilst on my quitting journey to be able to express not exactly but near enough how this is such a rollercoaster of a journey is amazing. Quitting has really opened my eyes to a new world. A new way to spend my time just writing about it really, really helps me and enforces my will to succeed and if I can help other people have the courage to take and/or make this journey with me and perhaps in some way make it easier and make them feel less alone then so much the better.

Well, there you have it my blog for today and I hope that you have enjoyed reading it and that perhaps it has helped you pass some time whilst on this journey with me whether you are in front or behind me doesn’t matter we are all in this together.

Short but I can’t really say sweet as quitting is extremely hard work and on that I’m sure we all agree. Together we can and are doing this massive thing and we will, have no doubts about that, succeed.

Have a rest of a nice evening everyone and until tomorrow, take care.

With luv and a hug from me to you.


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6 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Kath. I've sent you a pm. Suexx

Frustration in my mind Kath is a feeling of dissatisfaction resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems, or thwarted attemps at attaining goals, if you have stopped smoking then you shouldn,t feel frustrated as you have attained your goal, Frustration usually comes when somethink doesn,t go the way we want it to go, it can make us feel out of control.Anger to me is an emocion related to one,s psychological interpretation of having been offended or wronged, I never feel angry towards myself, it,s usually directed towards someone else who I feel has done somethink to hurt me or another human being but I can feel frustrated myself. You have stopped smoking for now and hopefully forever so just leave it there for now and take each day as it comes, if you slip up again then accept that and move on to the next day.Anger goes with external factors and frustration internal, well thats what I feel but were all different, the only thing that everyone on here will agree with me is to STAY AWAY FROM CIGGYS. :D


Betts profile image

Thanks both, very interesting read :)

Now, concentrating on keeping off the ciggies!

in reply to Betts

Hi Betts, if you concentrate on keeping off ciggs and not smoking then you are constantly thinking about them, if I were you I would not do this :D concentrate on somethink different and use that as a distraction technique, it might help you.That is just my opinion and might not make sense to other,s :)


Betts profile image
Betts in reply to

Thanks, Mad. Just right ;)

Soon as I'd posted it I realised it was wrong - distraction or just getting involved in what needs doing works best for me too.

Capital letters John are just a third form among Italics and bold, usually used to emphasize something we wish to write. mybe Kath uses them as her emotions at the time of writing her Blogs are frustration and she want,s to shout out, I dont think anyone has trouble reading them as nobody has complained. :D


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