Hello to my friends that are trying so hard to give up the addiction of cigarettes.This is Short Breath I'm 61 and very unlikely going to make it to my 65th birthday. It's not going to be an easy journey to quit smoking, and you may not succeed the first time, but the bottom line is, IT WILL KILL YOU IF YOU CONTINUE. I smoked for 40 years, I was invincible, so I thought, but reality got the best of me.I quit smoking 2 years ago, I've been fighting a terrible lung disease now for 6 years, I've got a severe case of COPD, My days are numbered, matter of just a few years. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE,, before it's to late for you, put the cigs down for good, I'll pray for you. If you need to talk, or if I can be an inspiration, call me. !!!!, my name is Larry. God Bless
WISH I HAD OF SOONER: Hello to my friends that... - Quit Support

Morning Larry, so sorry that you have copd, it's an awful affliction , my mother has it and she never smoked, caused by passive smoking from dad. Your are an inspiration and I will continue to not light up. Stay strong my friend sending love , hugs and prayers your way xx
God Bless
Good morning back at you Maddy, thanks for the shout, I'm praying for you kiddo to stay strong and keep up the GREAT difficult task of not smoaking. Think of your cigarettes as a poison, which truly they are. God bless you and your mother, whom I will also pray for in Jesus name.....................................Amen

Morning Larry, stay strong and thank you for your post, it really was an eye opener. Praying for you xxx
Jessrudd12, thank you for your shout, I pray that I can help and be an inspiration to you, I certainly wouldn't want you to go through what I am, I promis you it's no fun. You stay strong and keep up the good work, temptations and urges will come and go, but as I've said in all my post, think of the cigarettes as a poison, and truely that's what they are to your body and lungs. I'll have you on my prayer list.
God Bless You JESSRUDD12
And please for yourself and me, keep up the good work. NO MORE POISON TO YOUR BODY.
Hi Larry - i am so sorry to hear about your circumstances, but thanks for posting. I have the same regret. I did not smoke for as long as you but have concerns about my health - have an appointment with GP in the next week to start the process of assessing the damage, and hoping there is nothing too severe. I do feel the odd discomfort and tightness on the chest but after the past 3 weeks of quitting I don't know what to make of these, the optimist in me is hoping these are just quitting side effects, my angst and my lungs trying to recover from 26 years of abuse, all of which just require time, but I guess we will see. Some days are better than others and today is not a good day so far.
After 3 weeks of quitting I feel I am over the worst of the physical withdrawal and considering how I feel today it is highly unlikely that I will pick up a cig again. The cravings are only psychological and have become relatively easy to deal with.
If only I never started
Good morning tictac2☕️☕️
I'm still short of breath climbing stairs but I've learned from senior quit people on this site that it can take up to a year to recover our lung function... Every one recovers at different stages .... No more cigarettes for me😷😷😷😷🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭
Best wishes from 🇨🇦xx
Thanks for that Arizona - I am driving myself crazy and over analyze every little thing... i have also banned Dr Google, and i advise anyone to stay away from him!
😂😂😂 so true!!! Dr Google can convince me I have a rare disease!!!

Hey tictac2. This is Larry, (Shortbreath) You are correct, Dr Google isn't the best support you can get, glad your staying away from that site. I know it's easier said than done, but worrying and being under stress is not healthy for you either. It is what it is and you can't change it by worrying, I know the unknown and anticipation can get to you, been there and done that as you well know. I feel for you, but the best advise I can give to you right now is to stay as calm as you possibly can, when you feel yourself starting to get nervous over your situation, try some breathing exercises, breath in through the nose exhale out the mouth until you begin to settle down. If your spiritual at all, pray, God can and will help, I told you once and I'll say it again, I'm praying for you my friend. You've got great people on this site, if you start getting down, start texting, Hope I've been of a little help. Don't over exert yourself, but be as active as you comfortably can, and do breathing exercises, (This is important). I'll check up on you in a couple of days, God Bless

Tictac2, glad to hear you put the poison down, and yes we of those who picked up the horrible habit wish we didnt. Your certainly on the right track Tic, and it sounds like you've made one of the most important decisions of your life, TO QUIT SMOKING. The temptations will come and go, But you stay strong my friend, My thoughts are with you during this difficult Journey,which will become much easier as time goes on, good luck on your GP test, Ive put you on my prayer list.
God Bless and thanks for the shout.
Good Morning Larry from 🇨🇦☕️☕️☕️☕️
Your spirituality, your attitude and YOU inspire me period.☀️
I know I've replied to you in the last day but I just feel for what you are struggling with on a daily , minute , second basis.
Arizona xx

Your a sweety, and thanks, I've had a great life, ups and downs sure, but who hasn't , I take one day at a time and make the very best of that day as EVERYONE should. You can shout at me anytime.
Hi shortbreath I also have severe COPD I think there is a very good chance you will live longer than 65. You have done the right thing in stopping smoking it will slow down the progression of COPD. There is a site that HU have for people with lung problems Brittish lung Foundation I am a member you should join it and get help from people in the Same position as you some have O2 level as low as 15% and still enjoy life. Take care x
Nottobad, thank you for your inspiring words, I am familiar with the British Lung Foundation, a great site, for those who already have COPD, I'm not on this site for me, but for others before they become like me, before it becomes to late, hopefully an inspiration to STOP SMOKING.
Thanks again so much Nottobad, prayers and thoughts your way.

Larry you are an inspiration to us all and sadly a reminder why we should not light up ever again thank you for sharing your story x
Bevie1968. Proud of you, WEEK 7, stay strong, your doing FANTASTIC. IF I can be an inspiration to help just one person stop and stay on the path of not smoking, then I've just prolonged a life, and possibly helped that person from suffering this terrible disease known as COPD which by the way there is NO cure for, other than to stop smoking before it's to late so your lungs have a chance to rejuvenate, Thank you for your shout Bevie1969, God Bless You.

Sending prayers your way Larry for comfort during your struggle, thank you for sharing your story with all of us. All of our days our numbered, but I am certain that smoking does cut our time here short.
May our Heavenly Father Bless you today and always.
"Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives." - PSALM 90:14

Larry God bless you friend, I am praying hard for you!!!! I'm listening to you, I'm 30 and quit after 13 years.....

Hi Shortbreath and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
I'm so sorry for what your going through and I thank you for your post, hopefully it will help other members to quit and stay quit for good eh
Larry, dont you flippin give in yet pal
cos there's new treatments coming out every day
Larry, I would love to know your quit date so then I can award you with a Winners badge
Larry, I have had to edit your post, as in your phone number, this is for not just our members safety but for yours as well for its a public forum and anybody can access your post
Any of our members can private message you, and that way is kept private and safe
You take care now Larry and I hope to speak to you on your 65th birthday Larry you never ever ever EVER give up fighting

Bless you Larry and thanks for sharing your story and motivating us all to keep strong and keeping saying nope - I wish you peace and happiness xx

You are an inspiration Larry and thank you for putting up such a brave honest and terribly sad post - take good care of yourself
Hi ShortBreath, that's like the message I want to pass up to the people standing around the old smoking shelter where I used to hang out. But something hit me in your message. You say you smoked for 40 years. I also have a number in mind based on when I started in my mid teens. But the truth of the matter is that I started smoking Players No6 and a pipe when I was in a pram. The only difference was that my parents held them for me. Obviously they never put them in my mouth but they still had the full effect in an enclosed room. I can remember looking at the smoke filling the room when I was under 5 and thinking how pretty it was, showing up the shafts of sunlight streaming into the room.
My message to add to yours is that if you have young kids, never make them smoke unwittingly, and never teach them (by example) that smoking is a normal part of life. Hide it away and be ashamed of it. If you can't live with the shame, stop smoking.