Daily Blog Monday 29th April 2013: Good Morning... - Quit Support

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Daily Blog Monday 29th April 2013

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER
24 Replies

Good Morning Good Morning :-)

I hope the weather is nice wherever you are and that these "April showers" will soon come to an end :-)

Betts Congratulations...4 weeks.... Woo Hoo!! you star.

The Lynx pic is because:- I love big cats, it's cute, proud, noble, strong like all you guys on here :D :D :D

Have a great smokeless day and have fun :-)

Sue xx

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bunnyrabbit profile image
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24 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Morning Sue bunny, looks like we are in for showers again today in Yorkshire. Never mind.

Betts well done, 4 week as a non smoker. :)

hope your all going to have a lovely Monday. Off for shopping then out for lunch. So will catch up later. Enjoy your day. xx :) xx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Have a lovely yummy lunch Jilly :-) Xxx

Betts profile image

Morning bunny Sue and jillygirl :)

Bit grey here too, where is summer!!

2 rabbits in the garden biting off the heads of my flowers! They look happy!

Thank you for reminding me about 4 weeks :) Wheyhey!! Need a boost and this is it

And you are 4 weeks too tomorrow bunny, so good, so very good, you have done great and keep me going too :)

Just got me a big cuppa tea before turning the computer on. Lovely :)

Have a good smokefree day all :)

andi22 profile image

Good morning everyone.

A lovely sunshiney one here today. I woke up at 5.30, went to the loo then couldn't go back to sleep so went for a beautiful walk round the Head before all the dog-walkers were out and about. The tide was out and the sea like a millpond. :)

Betts, your nether regions will soon harden up - it usually takes about a week and even though it'll hurt the next time you get on the saddle, after a short while you won't even notice it. :o :) I've got to pick up my new bike today so might take it for a test run then. :)

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to andi22

The walk sounds heavenly, and sooo peaceful. Thanks for the encouragement. I will keep getting on the bike then, it's good to know I will get better :) ;)

Exciting stuff, getting a new bike! Enjoy your test run!

And enjoy your lunch jillygirl. There are some nice things going on today :) :)


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to andi22

Hi Andi. Shame I had to sit at my desk, your walk sounds divine.

Have fun with the new bike. I expect Pete will be asking loads of questions at some point :D :D :D

Sue xx

Morning everyone,

Nice picture Sue!

Well, this is five weeks today since my last ciggie, seems a long time somehow since I had to light up a ciggie. Long may it stay like that.

I'm back on the Patches today. I've put the ECig away for a while, it has made my tongue very sore and I have tiny little blisters there, and I'm very nasally - like one of my many allergies really. So, I'm putting it down to the stuff in the vapor. Could be wrong of course, but cannot think what else would be causing it. However, time will tell.

If needs be, I have the lozenges to help as well. it's a long road this "stoping smoking" isn't it? I suppose I''m sort of waiting to wake up one morning and - Hey, it'll all be over... I'll be a real non-smoker - with no more cravings! Not very realistic hum?

The building work has come to an abrupt Stop, because of new Regulations with the Building Control folks. I don't know when it will start again - it's a waiting time now. My builder is VERY annoyed about it, and moved off the job meanwhile. Not my fault though.

So, my house is all a muddle, with stuff piled in every room. Could be like this for weeks now, and not a thing I can do about it. Big hole in the Hall ceiling, and no carpets etc. Ah well, it will come right eventually I suppose. At one time all this old have driven me spare - but, maybe with age comes acceptance of things not going to plan. I don't do mess though, as I like a tidy home. Still, nowt to be done by fretting I guess.

I hope we all have a fine day. Really Sunny here - but still a chilly wind. So, at least I'll get away to my Aerobics class today, as I missed it last week. Now that... Is a real killer. i'm fit for nothing after. And I'm told it's good for us - hum, well...!

Take it easy folks, stay safe and well now,

Gill, xx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Hi Gill

5 weeks is excellent :-) yet another shining star in our clan :-) :-) :-).

I hope they can short out the reg problem soon and the building work resumes.:D

Have a fun (killer) class

Sue xx

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everyone :-)

The weather looks really nice here, the odd white cloud, lovely blue sky but it is a tad chilly :-/

Bunny Sue, lovely lynx with lovely mahoosive paws! :-) Another day to get under your belt and you'll be a 4week quitter winner :D

Andi, have fun getting know and bonding with your new set of wheels and new saddle :D You can then peddle your way into your 2nd year of quitting :D

Betts, welcome into your 2nd month :-) You must be well chuffed. Sometimes it mat seem like long hours and long days when you first stop smoking, and then when you look back you tend to wonder where the time went! Keep up the good efforts, you are doing brilliant :-)

Have a lovely day out JillyGirl, catch up later :-)

GillyFlower, sorry to hear about your building work coming to a halt. You have the right attitude though and so I'm sure you'll not let it get the better of you. With regards to starting to use NRT again, the thing to consider is that with the patches you will be getting a continuous dose of nicotine but at least it will be controlled and given over either 16 or 24 hours. With the lozenges, you only get the nicotine as and when you decide to use it, it's also a great product to use alongside the patches as combination therapy. My suggestion to you would have been to try the lozenges first and then if you struggle, pop the patch on and use the lozenges as and when you feel the need for that extra support. Don't be alarmed if you can 'really' feel the patches on your skin at first, you will soon get used to it. Keep us posted on how its working for you and remember to keep up that positive attitude :-)

Well, I have been trying to type up and send the above since about 9.30 this morning and look at the time now! So I guess I should really be saying 'Good Afternoon'! :-/

:-) :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good afternoon everyone. As George Formby would say :- It`s turned out nice again. Now Emjay don't tell me you don't know who he is especially from where you come from. :D :D

I have just got back from a lovely lunch out with hubby and brother in law.

Gilly well done on reaching your 5th week. keep up the good work. :) sorry the building work has come to a standstill.. Hopefully wont be for long.

Andi enjoy the new bike. Don't let Pete near it just yet. :P

If I have missed anyone sorry , got to get my cuppa to get my 1 brain cell in gear. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello John , I am sur Amors results will be fine. By the way Jayne my daughter thanked you for the advice about the grit.

She has sent you this. :=



jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Thanks John. Jayne is very grateful. :) even though she did have a slice of cake. But one has to test it doesn't one. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Will pass the me4ssage on . cheers John. xx

John, if I ever decide to keep Birds , I ll certainly know who to ask for advice... you know your stuff! Will await the results for your "little chap", I'm sure he'll be fine when they know what Meds to prescribe.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello all, my laptop seems as if its got gremlins. So may not be back on line for some time.

See you all later. Typing this on granddaughters tablet. : )

Betts and andi, Aldi's Thursday special this week is cycling gear. Shoes, gloves, jackets, lights, pumps, gel seats Betts and cycling shorts.

andi22 profile image

Hiya Sin, thanks for that - might go in and have a look. I don't usually bother with Aldi cos all their fruit and veg comes prepacked and when you're on your own it's too much. Don't really have any other "must haves" from there unlike Lidl.

Pete, take note of the above - particularly cycling shorts and gel seats! :o :D :D

I went to pick up my bike today but the shop was shut :D :D - perhaps the guy as a hairdresser in a past life! :D :D

in reply to andi22

Aww that's annoying andi. Did they tell you to go today?

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

No, they phoned Thursday evening and said to go on Friday or Saturday. :D

andi22 profile image

Gillyflower, that sounds the pits that the builders pulled out - how do new regs suddenly pop up when only a week into a new kitchen? :o

magpie363 profile image
magpie36320 Months Winner

Hello all sorry I have not been on in a while.

Its nice to see everyone here still doing so well. I am still smoke free :) although I must confess that last month I had a few too many wines and had 1 cig. I woke up the next day in a total panic but pleased to say that I have not repeated that stupid mistake.

Hope everyone is managing to grab the odd wee bit of sunshine when it appears.

Nice to see you all again

Linda xxxxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to magpie363

Hi Linda, nice to see you - I think that's always gonna be a problem when alcohol's involved but hey, it was just the one, after all. :)

How's the running going - have you finished the c25k yet? :)

magpie363 profile image
magpie36320 Months Winner

hi andi not finished it yet hurt my foot had to have a couple of weeks off so just started at the beginning again. Don't think it would feel as bad if I hurt it running but I didn't :)

How are you getting on

Linda xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :)

I expect your all nicely tucked up in bed now :) so I am whispering so that I dont wake you :o I hope you all enjoy a good nights sleep, and charge your batteries up ready for another battle tomorrow, which of course you will all win :) :) me included :)

Its my first day ( again ) today, using the e-cig this time, hmmmm it takes some getting used to, I tell you :o its been hard but Ive managed it so far :) am not sure whether I like this tobacco flavour though :o :P I may try another flavour :) speak soon :)

Pete :) xx

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