My best wishes to ALL of you.....where would I have ever been without every single one of you with your knowledge and loving support?
Because of you, even now when I feel I'm on thin ice, my strength in advocating for myself and holding hands with all of the gift given to many. Special thanks to PMRPro and DorsetLady; they read every post thoughtfully and set us in the right direction.
Just for an update, my Parkinson's is behaving on the meds I have, which isn't a lot. I do look like a drunk if I walk without something to give me a point of reference. I'm a classy drunk, though. My cardiologist has referred me to a cardiologist specializing in electrophysiology.....electrically resetting the heart's rhythm on January 13. So, I'm just waiting, sleeping and listening to books.....not a bad life. It is cold here, although we have no snow.
Just before Thanksgiving, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, steroid-induced. It is no wonder. I'm not worried about it, I eat right and will still steal an occasional ginger is the steroids, because I had to take large doses for long periods. I took 80 and 60mg for extended periods....for sure, the first two years. Now...I have Ozempic...and don't want to lose any weight and have to buy new clothes!!!! Who needs a new wardrobe at 84?
My husband is very aware of his dementia now....truly, he does so many little things to help me; it gives him purpose. I'm the 'brain' now keeping track of appointments, etc. and filling in gaps for him, gives me purpose. He is very easygoing at this we are both moving in the right direction.
I can list much I am grateful for and I've had 84 years and Larry 81; not too bad.
Jump into 2025 with patience and acceptance....what we can control is such a short list. I say....kick 2025 right in the butt.....and be the boss of you and your doctors....xoπ Ever filled with gratitude!!!