Hi all. Not had the best Christmas.
Last time I was on I mentioned headaches, problem with my eye kids and feelings of weakness.
On advice from some of you guys I tried to get the ball rolling to see someone. I spent half a day on the phone after calling 911 and in the end gave up with the only advice being that if things got worse I should go to my local A & E ( wait time up to 8 hours )
Of course it never happened and I am still dealing with the symptoms with an appointment at 9 am Monday.
In the meantime on another matter, as I posted previously I have been using a CGM for the last 2 weeks and have been rigorously following a diet to address the diabetic issue, but what I can't figure out is why WHATEVER I eat and whenever I eat my glucose goes through the roof ( 12%) +/- is this all down to the pred ?
My main consumption over the holidays was fruit and salads
Anyway would be interested to know your comments