So just took ESR and CRP. CRP normal waiting on ESR
Had to go up to 40 because of eye infection. Blood markets went up and I got scared. I have been up-and-down since 2015. Recently had Eye surgery then got ear infection. Then pulmonary embolism. So I am on blood thinners and 20 mg of prednisone and Actemra. In order to get this Eye fixed that went bad once I upped the steroids I need to reduce to 10 mg of prednisone. I have been reducing from 40mg by staying on the 5 mg for 10 days. It’s worked well. Now at 20 I would like to go to 15. I think I have enough prednisone in my body to save an elephant. What does the jury say 20 to 15 sound reasonable. Actemra is carrying the ball. Once I get to 10 I can think about what to do with the Eliquis. I know I have to stop the Actemra. Eye Dr. the best in the US at Bascom Palma and he says I am the most difficult case. I am beginning to find myself difficult too. Rheumatologist has been OK with 5 mg drops at a time. Can’t explain this any better but you know I am waiting for a knee as well. I will of course talk to NJ Rheumatologist as well. But you folks count ALOT And in my opinion know more then all the Rheumatologists put together. Thank you I will find out the ESR tomorrow a.m. and do my reduction after I hear from you and speak to my rheumatologist. Thank you again