I would value your opinions please, my heads mashed with thinking. In 2012, I woke up with appalling flashing, electrical type pains and severe patches of static pain running from hips to ankles that disappeared and came up else where. It didnt go and pain killers didnt touch it. Spent next 3yrs backwards & forwards from Drs. and most of it bedbound, it hurt so much. Initial diagnosis was infection, poss. Glandular fever, that was on its way out. Early xrays showed slight arthritus in both hips and was told to take painkillers. 2 yrs later Dr. eventually agreed MRI which showed a benign tumour on filum in spine. 2015 had laminectomy on L1 and L2. Pain gradually lessoned slightly over next 6 months although hip joints so stiff and painfull, was walking by swinging hips and had very weak leg muscles. At final appt. spine surgeon diagnosed severe arthritus in both hips which led to both hips being replaced in 2016. By summer 2017 after doing lots of exercises/stretching pain free and walking normally, I had my life back! Sept. 2017, on holiday, got what i thought was sinusitus. Spray from chemist didnt work and it got worse. Horrible pain in nose and sinuses, which spread from temp!es down past ear to throat. Then permanant pain in top & bottom jaw and teeth, no headache. Dr. prescribed in total 3 weeks of increasing doses of Doxycylene. Then ended up in A&E with grey clouds obscuring vision in right eye and a small, pulsating lump at top of forehead in hairline. Dr. suspected GCA and gave 60mg Pred. Rheumy consultant arrived and diagreed, thought infection as I had such atypical symptoms. Stopped Pred and gave IV antibiotics. 2 days later she said she wasnt sure and reinstated Pred. Subsequent CT to head, MRI and PET showed nothing but biopsy to small pulsating lump confirmed CGA. Im now doing well (fingers crossed) on the Pred. treadmill, thanks to all who contribute here.
But is it poss. my earlier problems/need for hip replacements were PMR and linked to the GCA? The consultant dismissed any poss link.
Thank you so much for bearing with me, I know it wont make any diff. to the outcome but i hate not knowing whats going on with my own body