Just wanted to thank you all for the informative, caring posts you write.
Has been a couple of months since typing in “ aching shoulders and sore hips” came up with a PMR diagnosis, I had been avaoiding the Dr. , as she seemed to think most of my pain was illusionary . I was trying physiotherapy, expensive and without a good result, but after reading about PMR I visited the Dr. and was happily surprised she agreed with me. I was put on 15 mg of prednisone and the relief was immediate and miraculous! Just not long lasting. My dose was upped to 20mg, which did the trick. I was pain free and had such energy and what I see now was a prednisone euphoria. Loved it!
Have just started my first taper - down to 17.5 mg - and have lost that euphoric feeling. Have had reminders of the shoulder and hip pain, but just shadows of what was. The Dr. Called to see how I was doing and as I had just read PMRpro’s wonderfully informative piece on DSNS (I think) I asked if I could take charge and do a slower taper than she suggested. She agreed! Thank you PMRpro!!!
You are a lovely bunch with lots to share, so glad I stumbled upon you.