hi ive got fibramyalgia but im un sure if i have endometriosis. I get a lot of pelvic pain often not just when i bleed and i have had the marina in for three and half years im not sure what to do i cant stand the pain anymore . i get alot of back pain too especially in my lower back. should i talk to my doctor about the laparoscopy.
how is it treated: hi ive got... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
how is it treated

Has the pain continued during the whole three years and are you still bleeding despite the Mirena ?
yes the pain has continued on and off and no i only bleed every few months with the marina

It has had some effect then ? how old are you ?
yes but now the marina isnt doing its job my pains are on and off all the time. I'm 28 years old ad ive had sevear pains since i first got my period as a teenager and its just getting worse and worse.

Have you told the doctor this and that you think it could be endometriosis ?
yes but i havent told him that i think its endometriosis. he just thinks its my fibramyalgia . should i talk to him about that. and can anything be done about it if it is.

I would say that you think it could be that. There may even be a mention of this in your medical records already. You could ask if it has been mentioned.
Have you had an ultrasound scan or an MRI ? If not I would ask for an ultrasound scan which should show if you have any cysts. It probably won't show if there is endometriosis anywhere else though. It would be necessary to have a laparoscopy to see where it is. Adhesions can hide endometriosis. If you are thinking of having a laparoscopy, I may be able to suggest someone to see. What part of the country are you ?
yes please im in hamilton new zealand would it cost and how much?