I have had PN for nearly a decade. The pains were initially appalling. However, I learnt to live with the issue and at times could almost ignore it. I had a sudden prolapse a year ago after a period of inactivity due to having to rest after an operation. As soon as I returned to my normal activities, I developed a cystocele. It was incredibly painful as if someone had my bladder in a vice. Once I had paid to have a pessary fitted, the situation calmed down a lot. However the symptoms of the PN have radically changed. I am not happy with the pessary , the cystocele is now grade 2 and i am seriously considering having corrective surgery. BUT I am terrified of this making my PN worse. Does anyone have experience which I might find relevant to my decision-making?
Also, has anyone had prolapse surgery and (after healing) been able to return to an active life (gardening, exercise, housework etc.) without the surgery failing?
I'm worried that I might go through an operation just to be in the same (worse?) position several months/years down the line.
Personal experiences would be much appreciated please. Thanks.