Hello I am new to this site and hope there is someone out there that can give me some advise..Thank you in advance I will be a brief as possible. About 2 yrs ago I was getting dressed and prolapsed all at once bladder an uteral stage 2 after many failed pessary fittings and uti's and infections I had the surgery to repair stitching only no mesh...it is now 1 and a half years later and I still am not able to sit for long periods of time and it has gotten worse with left sided pain...I have been told that the scar tissue has grown over the perdundal and sciatic nerves and the surgery has to be undone and I will be 80 to 90% pain free however my prolapse may come back ...I am wondering if anyone has had their surgery undone and the out come
Undoing Prolapse Surgery: Hello I am... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Undoing Prolapse Surgery

So sorry to hear this, at which hospital did you have this procedure?
Have you heard about the Neuman procedure ( Tel Aviv/ USA hospitals) for re-prolapses, although not sure if this would be possible to have as you may have too much scar tissue now but it is gentler
than conservative native tissue repairs , and only works for up to stage 2 prolapses as well.
It would be interesting and helpful to know the name of the hospital that failed you in this prolapse surgery.
Dr Alex Slack Gynao in Kent has a good name for surgery
Hello and thank you for your reply, Howard Goldstien out of Christian DE is the name of the Dr. and I'm not real sure if it was something he did or didn't do correctly..I think it was how I healed but I will say this I would not recommend him only du2 the fact I have been 1and 1@ year out of surgery and have seen him 8 or more times after with complaints of the feeling of sitting on a ball and pain and he was not very helpful to find out why no testing was orded by him I had to find other dr.'s to do this however I have a new uro/gyn in Pa and will talk with him this coming week...I haven't re prolapsed the scar tissue is interfering with the nerve function so we have to undo the surgery????
Oh I am sorry x
Thanks' I am not looking forward to another surgery expecialy one that may puy me back where I was...but I am trying to stay positive...the nerve dr. says if I undo the surgery I will be 80 to 90 % pain free I guess time will tell is Dr Alex Slack Gynao in Kent in the usa we have a kent county here in DE