Very new to this having been diagnosed with vaginal and bladder prolapse last year.
Following Bladder cancer I have suffered for years with UTI’s and have been ‘uncomfortable’ down below for several decades with recurring thrush and other infections and as allways asked , I have not been sexually active for over 30 years.
I have a cone pessary fitted in June last year which had to be replaced in July as it dislodged and was extremely hard for the consultant to remove. This was replaced with a ring pessary and since then I have had all kinds of problems with passing urine and pain and infections all of which have been diagnosed and treated sight unseen!
I am unwilling to visit A and E as last time I was waiting in a corridor for 36 hours with a C diff. Infection which will have done wonders for hospital infection rates!
I was expecting to be given an appointment by now to have this routinely changed as per every 6 months but nothing.
Got a GP appointment for four weeks time but I am in agony. Any suggestions please