just wanted to share my experience with the milex inflataball pessary! Completely changed my life from my bladder prolapse. Ring pessaries fitted by gyno no good and told there was only surgery so did my own research and came across this while googling pessaries. Read reviews excellent so watched video on youtube and decided to give it a go. After a few times getting it rite. Brilliant! Why we arnt told about theses by gynos i do not knw. Prob no one would opt for surgery. Got mine from stress no more site for £58 and worth every penny xxx
inflatable pessary: just wanted to... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
inflatable pessary

What does it actually do?
Hey Giggy
Wonderful piece of info.
I am certainly gonna research this.
Many thanks for this share of information.
I felt same about bowel irrigation kit to help pass stuck feaces due to rectocele, why did gp not offer such a simple device and technique. Used to be stuck on toilet trying to pass stool, rocking pelvis back and forward and then going out with a full and very uncomfortable feeling in my pelvic floor and rectum.
Let's hope more products come along ASAP to help us ladies
BTW the product I use is a simple hand pump which allows water to be gently squirted into my rectum and then as water comes back out so do the stuck faces, gives you more control over bowel problems associated with bowel prolapses etc.
It is a very simple bowel irrigation kit
I have been dealing with a rectocele (diagnosed by gyns) (amongst suffering with other things) for a few years now but recently it is driving me crazy . They don't want to any procedures yet and I got no real help.
Please let me know what the bowel irrigation kit ( simple hand pump) you used in the post below and where I can find it. Thanks
I also use the same device for rectal prolapse.
Thank you for this information-it is so helpful. I researched all this a few years ago when I discovered I had a prolapse. I had a couple of physio appointments which weren’t much use. I discovered natural sponges used as a tampon which I have been using ever since with great success but it’s good to know there’s another option out there.
just reading through my msgs. Do you think those sponges work if had a hysterectomy? Where do you buy them frm?
Sorry, I have no idea if they would work if you’ve had a hysterectomy. Here is my standard reply about using sponges - hope it helps
You can get sponges as menstrual tampons or specially for prolapse. The prolapse ones look far too big to me. Mine are only about 5cm in all directions but the main advantage is that no matter what size you buy they can be trimmed to size. You can get them with or without strings attached (like a tampon). Here is a link to some with string already attached.
I have bought natural silk fina sponges and attached dental floss using a darning needle. You can replace the "string" when it looks a bit past it. If you do it this way (much cheaper so you an have lots of them) soak the sponge and feel them all over to make very sure the sponges are free from any little bits of grit from the ocean!!The same website also tells you how to look after the sponges.
.Every evening(I don’t use one over night as I feel this lets things breathe and gravity is not against you at night) I clean that day's sponge with unscented soap. Then every 4 days use baking soda (1 heaped teaspoon to a mug of warm water) to soak the last 4 sponges whilst getting washed and dressed then rinse and squeeze them out and hang them in a mesh laundry bag to air dry. You soon get into a routine for cleaning them angd it only takes a few minutes. When using a sponge remember to squeeze it out in water first to make it soft then I put a little bit of coconut oil on it and also a little around the entrance of the vagina to help get the sponge in. It's a bit strange to start with but you get to know the angle and where it needs to sit. My first try was a disaster and it felt really scratchy but I tried again a few weeks later and took a bit more care and it was fine. Some days it's so comfortable I forget it's there and some days the sponge slips a bit and feels uncomfortable - maybe the sponge is too small or too big or maybe it's not in right. Whatever, it gives me confidence that my insides can't escape and gives me time to work on the exercises that might work long term
Thanks Giggy63 so much for your post. I've been thinking of trying the inflatoball too. Hope you can help with some questions. Regarding the sizes they mention - are they the size when deflated or inflated? What size is it when deflated? Is it difficult to get in and out? I have grade 2 bladder prolapse and uterine prolapse. Also slight rectocele too. Have tried ring and shaatz pessaries through NHS and all have been unsuccessful. They irritate my insides too much causing soreness, bleeding, infection etc. Also found I couldn't have bowel movements with a pessary in. I can't use estrogen since have had breast cancer which probably doesn't help!
Hi Giggy63, I followed your much welcome suggestion of an inflataball pessary and saw your latest post saying that they are now out of stock. How typical - what else are they going to do to destroy our rights of purchase and freedom for our own health! Shocking. Just a quick question: did you do-it-yourself with the inflataball pessary, i.e. decide on the size you needed and insert it yourself (trial and error). I'm very much against the medical 'profession' these days and I don't intend going anywhere near them. Thank you.
hi hope you are well. I had a pessary ring fitted at a surgery which came out before i even got home! So useless. Went bk again and had a larger size 70 fitted so i went by that size for the inflatable one and yes i fitted it myself. Easy after a bit of practice... now ime back to being grumpy all because i cannot get one anywhere. Such a simple thing that can change your life for the better and no one wants to help to make it available for soooo many women who are sufferi g. Absolutely terrible...
Hi Giggy63, did the inflatable pessary come back in stock? I hope you managed to get another one.
Hi. No luck getting an xl one they said cant get any from manufacturer because of a latex shortage! Lol. Going to stick to my pink perl sponge pessary alot easier to use one trimmed to right size...
Hi there allI'm suffering with my insides falling out, at least that's what it feels like.
I tried a sponge today.
Felt a bit better, not in so much pain
Tried to buy a inflatabal, but they are still out of stock.
Feeling sad and desperate as I enjoy exercise and am just barely manging every day things.
Hi, I've just started using the inflatoball too and I've also had a hysterectomy (years ago, when I was 22) I've used the contam cube pessaries for the last 2 years, but it's been a bit hit and miss, the rectocele bulge has always been there still. I haven't been able to clog dance because of this and omg... the backache!! Really made me mad when my mum's (male) gp told her that prolapses don't cause back ache!!
Like you, I had to do my own research!
With the inflatoball it's a lot better, I felt like I wanted to jump about, I opted for small as I used medium for the contam cube pessary so i went off that size but I'll go larger if I have to, mine cost £72.99!!
I've had the irrigation system for about ten years now due to other complications from a past operation, but it's been near impossible to get to speak to my gp and order new catheters lately, so I've started using the enema you hang, us Brits are quite squeamish about this sort of thing but some of my American friends wouldn't dream of not having an enema in the house and they sell them in the supermarkets!
I've also started using the kegel8 which is also quite daunting but it's the only way to properly exercise the Pelvic floor. I've also got the anal probe as well as the vaginal one, I've yet to use that one though, it's to strengthen the sphincter muscles because they get affected as well.
Uugghh!! Just soo crap being a woman sometimes! 🙄😉
Thank for your reply. I am devestated as my inflataball got a small hole after a few weeks and now i cannotget a x lge anywere ive searched the net! Ive got 2 on order ftom mediplus but have been told theres a world shortage of latex! Unbelievable. So upset and back to square one. Dont want to go anyware or do anything because the bulge is getting worse.....
Oh no!! So you might be best getting yourself a large contam cube pessary until they come back into stock. I always used a vaginal dialators to push them up as I had problems otherwise.
I have looked at those but wondered if it would just drop down! Bought a prolapse sponge but havnt got the shape right yet and have to keep trimming it because it rubs after a bit. It does give a bit of relief though. So fed up with it all x
Well I must admit there's no way I could keep them in comfortably without being able to push them up to the point where they wouldn't slip down, I've got very small hands like a lot of women. I just can't reach that far in. You need something to push them up. Once they're there though, they stay put. They have a string like a tampon and they're made of that foam you see with make up sponges. So they look like polystyrene cubes until you soak them. You squash them to get them in, then they expand to the shape of your vaginal vault. (The name vault makes me cringe!) You can soak them in Milton as well to use again.
I was so desperate i ordered a medium. Theres plenty of that size it cost £85 but i cud tell without opening pkt it was too sml. When i checked its 2" smaller
Do you still have the medium? Happy to buy from you . Disaster that these are no longer available in uk .Donuts I believe are a possibility.
No sorry i have not...
I was told due to Brexit they can’t stock them here in uk . Did you find anything else as good? I just feel that somewhere in uk there must be some lying in a storeroom ! Mine is on last legs but they are fantastic.
Yes i found something better and takes two minutes to insert. They called jade and pearl pink prolapse sponge. I just cut them in half and insert. I remove and clean at night then put it back in the next day. They are £17.99 from amazon and last up to 3months if cared for properly. Amazing and lifechanging...
Thank you for that but I’m not sure they will be enough for me . But at that price it’s not a disaster if they don’t work .
It's just awful that things needed by women are always getting low in stock. A bit like the hrt problem last year.I wonder if there's any way to fix the hole, with liquid latex, it's the same stuff!
That's great. I'll make a note of that, it works!👍🏻🙂
I have one too
Do u use a estrogen cream with it
Hi. No i just use a very small amount of water based lubricant.
thank you
Can u tell me the brand
Because my dr wants me to use triosam and it has carcinogens in it
Do u keep the inflatable in all day
Please can u email me you instead
I truly appreciate it
Cause im starting to lose it
With this prolapse issue
Thank you so much
I have been dealing with a rectocele (diagnosed by gyns) (amongst suffering with other things) for a few years now but recently it is driving me crazy . They don't want to any procedures yet and I got no real help.
Please let me know what the bowel irrigation kit ( simple hand pump) you used in the post below and where I can find it.