I have been having what a general practitioner called "vulvar dermatitis" since 2016. I'm not convinced of the treatment or the diagnosis. Let me explain.
I have a history of autoimmune disease (Hashimoto, Rheumatoid Arthritis). I didn't find out until recently that Bechet's disease also runs in my family and seems to manifest in vulvar lesions.
The lesions have been random and uncontrollable. I can't predict what causes them and it seems like they are happening at least monthly if not more often. The lesions are red, swollen, and sometimes peeling. I seem to mostly get it on my left labia and pernium.
I am wanting to know if this was you what would be your next steps? I have been dealing with it and I'm at my witts ends. It has caused so many issues (vulvodynia- I now have nerve pain from the flare ups and anxiety around pelvic floor exams and sex). I have been given a steroid cream and told not to use it on mucus membranes which is mainly where it seems to be. Nothing is helping. I can't have sex because of the pain. Should I ask for a biopsy? Another exam?