Hi has anyone any experienced of getting over a prolapse pelvic floor op..I'm 3 weeks post op and someday I'm.ok.somedays I'm.not ..I use to live my life at 100 miles an hour now I just can't be bothered even trying...any other stories will be valuable never had a operation before I paid to go private so I suppose I don't know what to expect 🙃
Post op after prolapse surgery - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Post op after prolapse surgery

Hi MollyI am one month after prolapse surgery. I feel very tired after doing anything. No help in the house over the last two weeks so have had to do everything for myself. Other people tell me it takes at least 6 weeks before you start to feel your energy start to return, so don’t worry, we will all get there in the end!
Hi there thanks for your reply I think mu biggest problem has been my bladder first it wouldn't empty so had to go bk and have a catheter in I went private as I was really nervous as never had a op before had the kids normal.births but now it's my bladder again I'm wanting to go every 5 mins then nothing coming out hardly so bk and forth I just don't feel great at all my partner has been a star I've not had to do anything I did feel I was getting better but feel I'm.bk to not feeling great again so bk in bed ...hate feeling like this I have so many folk depend on me my mum.my daughter so I need to get better ...very frustrating ...hope you are bk on the mend now thanks again jeanette x
Hope u are on the mend now had my surgery 9th Feb beginning to feel I wish I had not had it now I felt great before apart from my bladder but when I came off hrt it got worse with lack if estrogen so I paid to go private I feel I could have spent the 5.600 on some fabulous holiday lol and put up with it now ha ha ..its my urine really had a problem going independently after they took the catheter out so had to go bk in again so had to come home with it for a week awful ...but then it began to improve but I'm not bk to 100 % flow yet and takes a while to come so sat on the loo for ages honest I feel like an old woman lol..I use to rush around doing everything before ...work part time grandaughter 2 days picked mum up 3 days so I'm really feeling quite useless my partner he keeps saying you have had major surgery what do u expect but when I've googled it says u should feel better after 2 weeks if vaginal surgery I looked in a mirror at my downstairs and there's a stitch at the opening which I thought was strange as they repair it further up don't they so god knows lol...anyway hope your on the mend now and I'm hoping I am too 🙏🙏❤
HiI had my op done privately but had the opposite result with my bladder. I drank so much water to make sure they would take my catheter out and allow me home that I over did it and became so nauseous that I had to go back in to hospital to get my sodium level back to normal. Ok after 2 days and allowed home. So perhaps you need to drink more water!
Yes I thought I was drinking alot and tea but who knows ..I am.begiing to regret having it done now as felt OK prior to it and feel why didn't I just put up with it I could have spent the 5.600 on a holiday ha ha ..but I'm prob rushing it ..my little dog molly died last week and we are heartbroken I feel its set me bk maybe..I get this aching feeling in.my vag maybe that means I've overdone it I'm.3 weeks post op..anyway hope you recover well xx
Hello Molly. I had the same surgery as you and I can honestly say it was 3 months before I felt completely right ,with energy levels up and play sport .They don’t tell you that it takes that long but you will get there.
Hi Molly it’s 3 weeks since I had a vaginal hysterectomy and anterior repair. I’m doing ok I think but to be honest I haven’t tried to do too much as I don’t want to go backwards. I’m retired so that makes it easier and my husband walks the dog. But I’m starting to potter around at home cooking , baking washing etc. I suppose it all depends on what type of surgery you have had as to how quickly you recover. I’m hoping in another 3 weeks I should feel better still. Remember that if you work you’ll probably expect to be off work 8 to 12 weeks. Try not to rush your recovery as you don’t want to risk the repair etc not healing correctly. Good luck take it easy and you’ll get there.
Im having the same op as you on Thursday Elaine, im getting quite panicky now about it. I have taken note of what you have said. How long were you in hospital?
Hi Suzie. I went in on the Monday had the operation Monday afternoon, they pack the vagina after the operation to help with the healing. The pack was removed Tuesday morning then told me I could get up but the catheter was still in place so had to walk around with the bag but that was ok. The following morning they removed the catheter. They then measured and checked the urine for the next three times I went to the loo. By the time they got my discharge letter ready it was teatime on the Wednesday so I went home then. I had mine done on the nhs My consultant explained all this before I went in and it all went to plan as he explained. My advice would be to listen and take note of everything they tell you and do what they ask. Be prepared to take things easy for at least the first 2 or 3 weeks and don’t rush your recovery. Everything was fine for me I was very nervous especially about the general anaesthetic but that was fine too I had no ill effects. Take only as much pain relief as you need because too much codeine etc can slow your body down then you might have constipation / wind issues which you don’t want. Oh and take the laxatives that you are offered , sorry if this is too much information but forewarned is forearmed as they say. If you have anymore questions please ask.
Thank you so much for your reply, very helpful, it's really good to know what other people experience. Unfortunately I had a phone call this afternoon postponing my op until 31 March, my surgeon is ill. Just my luck, had my bag packed as well.
I will get back to you if I need to ask anything else, but in the meantime I hope you continue to recover well x
Aww I'm sorry don't panic as it's prob just me...its just my luck to be one who has problems ..I'm sure my surgeon did a good job its just after I had the problems with my bladder I've prob done too much too soon as when I'm googled it it said for vaginal surgery u should recover in w weeks so I was expecting that but everyone else says longer more like 4 weeks ..so I've ptob pushed it as I thought I felt OK.. pls don't worry I'm sure you will sale through it like most do..I'm.not one for bladder infections but this is 3rd lot of antibiotics now so I'm putting it down to the catheters I had 3 in all together as couldn't pass enough urine however that's seems to have gone bk to nearly normal now..Good luck.the operation itself was a breeze after the anesthetic I didn't know anything then next I was bk in my room so pls don't stress you be fine let us know jx
It's very early days for you. Don't overdo it you will get there.
Hi Molly, I’m just coming up to 6 weeks post vaginal hysterectomy with anterior and posterior repair. My recovery has been pretty straightforward with only a few bladder issues!I can honestly say that the last few days I have started to feel a bit more like my old self. I live and work on a farm so am very aware of how slowly I need to take things and this has been the hardest thing to come to terms with. Take things slowly, unfortunately it is a long road to recovery but you will get there in the end. Good luck on your recovery xx
Thankyou and I bet u are itching to get bk to normal living on the farm..I'm 3 weeks post op and wishing I had spent the money on a fabulous holiday lol..its been my bladder that's not emptying properly that's been my major issue had to go bk in for a catheter put in for a week and tbh I'm.still struggling to go sat on the loo for ages unlike before I could go anytime day or night so that's held me bk so I'm.hoping that corrects itself anyway good luck x
Just a thought Molly ,but have you had your urine checked for an infection? as that quite often will account for going to loo so often etc.

Hi yes sent one in today...thanks fir your message jx
I am 85 and had hysterectomy last year for vaginal and bowel prolapse privately. The recovery time is longer than you think. Just make sure you rest often and don’t rush to get back to normal. Gradually your get up and go will return. Then life marches on!
Hi there thanks for your reply its nearly 12 mths now and also good for you having the op later in life cannot be easy my mum.is same age ..all was well but lately I felt my bowel may have prolapsed so I'm bk on hrt and using my kegal 8 twice a day so I'm hoping to improve it I don't want to go through that again....I went private too so not cheapLet me know how u get on and good luck to you x