hi ladys , i need some addvice on this op im waiting on hearing the date for it some time this year . im realy worrying over it as i do have a hiatus hernia just would like any advice and anyone that as had this op how long does it take to do the op . and how long do are you in hopital after op. the moree i know the better i have said no mesh. so what do they use ? i neeed to know other ladys experences about the op and after .ps.help the more i know the more i can understand about it the better im perpared. many thanks x
an antenrior repairand vaginal hyster... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
an antenrior repairand vaginal hysterectomy

Hi there I've just had a prolapse repair op in spire he was going to take my uterus out aswell but he didn't...the op was no problem it took around 2.5 hrs then I woke up bk in.my room...however I've been struggling passing urine after they took the catheter out which I've heard is unusual so I've not had the easiest ride...there will be quite a few stitches as I had anterior and posterier repair ..just don't overdo it for at least 6 weeks I've had a few urine infections which I didn't expect but I think that was just my luck...so all I can say is take it easy don't be tempted to do anything even if u feel.ok on the outside ..I'm.62 young and fit no other health problems...I'm 6 weeks post op now so I'm hoping to start feeling more myself soon..Good luck don't worry about the op ..the anethetis will make sure you are comfortable and you won't know anything after the canular is put in your hand then u are away...next thing you are bk in your room ...I came round pretty quick and was offerd a cup of tea and toast ....let us know how you are but u will be just fine..jx
Also I was only in hospital 2 days 1 night..as I said I paid to go private so I was in quickly..only reason I didn't want to wait I managed my prolapse for 10 yrs with hrt and a kegal 8 pelvic floor machine and collegan and vit d but as I had to come off hrt it had a massive impact on my pelvic floor with lack of estrogen so it was having a impact on my life ..x
iv been told iv got to wait anther 2 years after beening told by my dr in 2020 that he was refering mt for a emergency op. then to get told there was a error between y dr and my gyno so im not happy as my feet and legs killing when im standing and cant walk that far .feel like a prisnor in my house .
Heck that's not good love can you take hrt and get a kegal 8 to help ease your pain..they really do work...what grade are you..if you don't mind saying are u at the stage of it coming out of your vagina or is it not that bad yet...if you can afford it I would get a kegal 8 pelvic floor exerciser x
hi back in 2020 march when my dr said he would refer me for a emergency op .i told him i felt realy poorly .he looked down below and said its out ill have to push it in . it made me scean it hurt . i m not sure what stage im at . i have a pressery ring in now . but i keep getting uti ifections ad antibiotics . the pain in my legs and feel is realy stoped me doing alot of thigs and cant walk far legs and feet realy hurt . i cant aford privete wish i could . i paid for a scan at the spire hospital on my stumach and pelvilis last year as my stumah swelled up bad and hurt bad. thats ok now but no way can i aford a op .
i cant take hrt as i had breast cancer 8years ago. i had my menopause early had it at 42 then finish at 53 . im a young 61 yrs and very active normarly but since 2020 march my feet and legs hurt
thankyou for replying i feel so down with it all. to think anther 2 years .
I'm so sorry you are going through this...I think u must be grade 4 if you had prolapsed and it was out of your vagina...how scary and not surprised it hurt..You could always ask for a second opinion with your gynie..I'm sure it should be treat as urgent...keep pushing for them to do your op...could u afford a private consultation at spire then ask to be referred on the nhs...that may carry some weight..so sorry its so bad but rest assured after the operation you will feel so much better but give yourself 3 months to get bk to normal....its not easy but don't overdo it...I made that mistake 😉 xx
As far as material they can use for repair. They can use your own muscle (autologous graft) or they can use porcine graft (from pigs) and allograft which is from a cadaver. They irradiate it to get out the DNA and try to make it innert as possible. The only one you are guaranteed to have no reaction with is the autologous graft, but it takes almost twice the time to heal. These can react, but better than mesh. Mesh cuts through the body. The surgery part is not too bad. You will be down about 6 - 8 weeks, depending on age and shape you're in. Make sure anesthesia knows about the hernia. Best of luck to you. I sure hope it goes well.
thankyou for your reply im trying to know wwhat to expect with this op so i dont freak out much when the time comes to have the op . ill take it in my stride but it is worrying at the same time. but thankyou you have help me alot take care x
It is painful, at first pretty hard to get through and sharper, after the first day it starts to become more of a dull ache. Pain meds help quite a bit. It feels better if you don't move, but that isn't good. Take it easy and don't overdo. However, some moving around is good. Since time flies by, it'll be over and done before you know it. Try not to worry, I know - easy for me to say. But I will say I've had 22 surgeries in the last 11 years (all in the pelvic area). I'm about 1 1/2 years out from last surgery and feeling a whole lot better than when this started. I pray the doctor does a good job and you're up and going soon.
oh thankyou your so kind to give me all the addvice you have given me . after everything you must have gone through all those ops and you still sound a strong person i admire you thankyou i see my gyno next friday im going to ask how much longer it will be befor the op as im so sick od uit infections and not being able to be on my feet for too long and being able to walk around the shopss like i use too.
I know what you're talking about. I have a nasty UTI presently. I felt a little better yesterday and cooked a dinner for my husband's birthday and some friends. Feel a big setback this morning with my bladder screaming at me. Ugh. One more day of antibiotic. They do get harder as you get older and it is well known that when the elderly get them it causes temporary dementia. I don't know why that is, but I did see it happen with my mother in law. I am positive this repair you're having will help a lot with not getting UTI's.
A friend recommended D-Mannose as a preventative measure stopping reoccurring UTIs, she has found it life changing . I am in the middle of one at present, do not want to take antibiotics as I had a course for a severe diverticulitis a couple of weeks back. The Cystopurin is keeping the worst symptoms at bay so hoping the D-Mannose will help prevent future reoccurrence as it has done for her.
my doctor sent my urine samle off to the lab and she said theres a bit of a bug in your urine and she said i wont give you any antiiotics at this time as you said you are having palatiations so she pricribed heart tablets . which i dident need as i know its the the bug in my urine thats making me have palpatations so now i feel worse than last week with it . im drinking plenty of water to try and flust it out . and to morrow ill ask for some trimthoprime. so i can take a 5 day cause and the ill take d manose
I don’t know but I am sure a Pharmicist would be able to advise, they are usually very knowledgeable on all this stuff. Good luck.
StuffThatWorks is another site I use to try and get a steer on Diverticulitis, I find it very helpful too. I am 68, and otherwise healthy except for prolapse, diverticulitis and UTIs. All part of the ageing process unfortunately, but on the positive side we are still here!