hi ladys last year had a prolaspe bladder repair and i still get a achey light pain every so often for the last year since my op so waiting to see gyno next month to see what they think it could be , i allso have to have my gallbladder out tomorrow which im not looking forward too as any one had a pain after their op its like now and then it comes on but it feels like im getting it more often just lately , i just feeling a bit worried
hi ladys still getting like a achey p... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
hi ladys still getting like a achey pain

Hello l am interested to know how you are regards bladder repair and hysterectomy as l have been told l could have this op in the future by my gynecology nurse. She said it's my decision l have an annoying cytocele which l can feel if I'm on my feet too long and l have a grade 1 to 2 prolaspe of the uterus. I also think my bowels are affected by my prolaspe as l have a retroverted uterus. I manage with a pessary ring and one macrogol sachet daily for my bowels. I have read lots of things about the op. I dont want TVT ( mesh) my nurse said the op can cause incontinence in some cases this frightened me. Do you know what they used in your op? She said they use stitches for the tuck but what are they made of? Do you know? I dont want to be worse off than l am now I'm in my early 60s by the way. Good wishes for your op hope all goes well for you.
hi in 2020 i seen a gyno as i knew i had something wrong when i seen her she said i had a bladder prolase and i would need a hearcectomy and a bladder prolaspe repair . i had a pressery ring fitted to help the dragging feelying . ii waited 2 years for my op . then september 2022 i went pree op and said i dont think i need a hearsectomy . i f i do ill have one but i dont want one if i dont need one . so when i had my op the surgen came and said i only needed my bladder stiching stright across and the stiches would desole on there own . and i diddent need a hersectomy so i was pleased to hear that. but a year on and every now and then my bladder feels like its full and swollon thats the feelig i get no uits any more since i had my op . i would tell them that you do not want any mess in your body what so ever i did and dont be a faid to ask any qestions you ask what they use and what its made of and what risk are there . i did . but in the end i only needed my bladder stiching . let me know how you get on im in my 60s too . good luck to you i hope everythig goes well for you message any time
Hi, 17 months ago I had prolapse and hysterectomy surgery and then suffered a major post'op bleed. Worst decision of my life was to have the surgery. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't have had the surgery. I have been suffering chronic pelvic pain ever since and this has now been diagnosed as pudendal neuralgia and pelvic floor dysfunction which has involved me going on a merry-go-round of medical appts ever since.
I have no life apart from going to medical appts as it is very hard for me to sit for long periods as well as lie on my back for a period of time and now have bowel issues as well as piriformis syndrome - excruciating pain.
So my advice to everyone is make sure you really need surgery and seek out a good pelvic floor physiotherapist to see if they can help first. I was 68 when I had this surgery and wish I had never done so, especially the hysterectomy as everything feels like it is now out of place and causing problems so I really sympathise with you.
Take care and please maybe get a 2nd opinion or see what else you can do
Thankyou very much for your contact and information. It's so difficult to know what's best. I am at present coping with a pessary ring and l use a kegel8 ultra stim device every day for 40 minutes. My pelvic floor is rubbish. I cant get an appointment with a pelvic floor nurse waiting list too long. I will carry on as l am unless l become incontinent or get too much dragging. I only stay on my feet as little as possible which limits my life for queuing and going to stand up events. I am managing l take macrogol one sachet a day (mild laxative) for my bowels to be able to go ok.It's all a huge nuisance. I am lucky l dont have to work fulltime as l really cant do standing for very long.
Please keep in touch I'm 61 so no pension till 67 years old.
Whatever you do, don't ever get mesh used in surgery as that has caused so.many problems in women with pelvic problems and in fact there have been law suits against mesh companies that have used it. It can cause all sorts of pain, etc issues so please try and avoid them.using mesh if you are having prolapse or any vaginal.surgery.