hi ladys i v got apressery ring in iv had it in 5 months i dont see my gyno unill may . i iv started having like a stumach ache now and the for the last 3weeks but iv started feeling light headed and feel nausea the last 4 weeks and when i m standing doing jobbs around the house after iv been on my feet a couple of hours i start going light headed and feel unwell so i sit down for a couple of hours and it seems to die down and i start to feel ok again .can this be to do with my prolase bladder and legs ache bad .
hi ladys feeling unwell: hi ladys i v... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
hi ladys feeling unwell

Greetings Mrshappyme, thanks for this post. I have been contemplating getting a pessary too to see if it helps. But after reading your post I don’t know know. If since putting that in and that is how it makes you feel then have it removed. Not every one is the same, some have no issues and some do. It’s your body.
What gets me is the lack of understanding about the issues one faces on a daily basis with prolapse/ fibroids etc. It’s unbelievable and we need to start speaking up. The diagnosis of a uterine prolapse or any for that matter is an emotional journey and not one you can readily strike up a conversation with anyone. If someone has a visible injury nor disability it’s seen but with a prolapse it’s connected to the part of us that we don’t want to advertise.
I am still doing a lot of research and reading on this. Hope you find a suitable remedy.
oh ps dont think its the pressery ring thats making me feel like this i. i thing its the prolaspe bladder every woman is different and i felt alot better with the ring in . as my prolaspe bladder kept falling out and doctor would hve to put it back in. so iv got to keep it in till my op . i beleive it could be my blader prolase that is making me feel like this could be effecting my nevres in my body .
Oh, Mrs.Happyme, I am so very sorry you're going through this. It seems this area of women's health needs a lot more education. My friends and I often discuss how we get more help from one another, than we do from the doctors! Of course, doctors are a part of the process. I am asking for a pessary again. My OBGYN told me it would be too painful for me to get one. I was severely injured by transvaginal mesh. In getting it removed (it's a permanent implant), not enough material has been left and I have found that there isn't any doctor that will touch me. I've seen 6. My friend who shares a similar journey as mine was told the same thing. But she also had no more options. So she begged for it anyway. Well, the doctor was wrong, it isn't causing her a ton of pain. Which is giving me hope that maybe it will help me too.
That said, I would suggest taking it out for a few weeks and see if there are any changes. It seemed to help in the beginning??
hi desperateforrelief i cant have the pressery ring out as my bladder falls out and the gyno to push it back in . which isent pleasent so i cant . im wouldering if its my ring needs cleaning and theres a bit of infection going on. or if the pressery ring is pressing on a something causeing some kind of nerve problem . its like sometimes i can feel fine comfy and then i can be sitting and all of a sudden my head starts to feel like your funny . not like a headache like as if its a hormone inblance . im normaly no my own body and know when something id wrong and if drs dont help me to get the ansers i normerly find out what is wrong and sort it but this is like a hormone inbalence feeling like a wired wave of lightheadyness with a feeling of as if i need to close my eyes and go to sleep . i had this last year and ask my dr to do a horrmone inblance test he did and said it . was ok so then i asked him if i could have a vitiman and minrel test . to see if it was low on anythink . but he said wait see how you go . i never did get any test for it . if i could rule out my vitimans and minrels are ok and then i think i would say it s the bladder prolaspe pressing on nerves . but i get no were iv been looked at as if im loopy lol. but its our preductive systom and we know what we are feeling . because i do beleive it is to do with my prolase bladder. i realy think i need this op . i got told in march 2020 i was beening referred for a emergency op . so i was thinking at least im on the op list .then last october i asked my gyno how much longer would i have to wait .thsts wen she said pardon your not on the list. i said my doctor referred me for a emergency op i n 2020 march . she said ill check. so when i seen her again she said no your not on it . i said how long now do i have to wait for a op . she said ill say a year to a year and half . i went home and had a cry . iv cant walk far as my legs ache bad when iv been on my feet for some time. im like strugglering to go out do the things i want to do its like since 2020 iv just struggled to get out and with covid about made it worse . im getting realy down just want to take a walk like i used to and feel like my legs arent heavy and feel like my old self . you have gave me alot of advice in the past year and some of the things you said iv followed through and it help me. i wish you well and happyness and thankyou
You know, now that you mention infection, I think that may be it. I currently have a UTI. I can't stand for more than 10 mins without significant pain. I've read and seen several older women with UTI's that get lightheaded, exhausted and sometimes even disoriented. My mother in law would start to get disoriented and I knew she had a UTI. Also, my friends mother. They were in their 80's. I am exhausted and lightheaded along with not being able to stand for any length of time, with a UTI. I got these when I was younger and this was never the case. I've had nurses tell me this is common reaction in older women. I cannot find any doctor who will touch me, so no surgery for me. I am going to try to talk my doctor into it. Do you think your head feeling "funny" is lightheadedness? Just a thought.
you are thinking the same as me i phoned my drs this morning and asked if i can bring my unrine sample up she said no but ill phone for some trimethoprime for you to the chemist . i said what give me anibiotics with out testing it. she said thats all we can do . so iv got to pick them up . if im the same in a week ill ring my gyno ask if it could be the prolaspe causing it. i ts nice to know there is ladys who understand me the drs talk to me as if im daft . lol far from not me.
oh just want to say keep in touch with me let me know how you go on and if you can get the surgery you need all the very best desperateforreleif take care
iv got some trimethiprim iv took one and tomorrow ill take anther . can they make you feel worse for a while untill there doing there job? i feel like my hearts raceing.
hi desperateforrelief, i rang my doctor and told her how i was feeling and i said could it be a uti infection ? like you mentioned which made sence to me . she asked my systoms and said no theres no need to bring awater sample in .ill prcribe some trimethopime so therell be at the chemist foe you later today. isaid what icant bring my urine sample up to be tested and you are pricribing antibotics to me with out knowing if iv got a uti infection .she said thats all i can do for you today . so i left it at that .than i rang up the next day as i was so unhappy with how i had been givin antibotics with out knowing .so i insisted foe my urine sample to be sent to the lab . 8 days later got a text from the dr saying phone up in the morning to decuss results . which i did she said all came back ok upset for one which they found a bit of a bug in my urine . i said ok so what do we trat that with she said oh nothing it quit comon for someone to have a bit of a bug in their unrine . so we will leave it like that. just drink plenty of water . iv got . i still feel palatations and a little achey down below and head feels lighthead . im woundering now if it could be the pressery ring that needs cleaning as end of this month its six months iv had it in and im woundering if its that what as coursed abit of a bug in my urine . as last time it needed cleaning a got auti infection .i do have a aportment with my gyno end of march to have it cleaned . when i mention it to my drs they look at me as if im lala lol feel like i just get fobbed off lol crazy isent it us ladys seem to be up on more about these promlems than the drs do lol
Unfortunately, it seems that veterinarian's give better service than doctors.
I have a UTI right now. I called a video doctor to get the antibiotic. He lectured me that I could go bad very fast. Made me go in, saw a doc that didn't know much and got the antibiotic I had asked for. UTI's can get very serious, I went septic in 2014 from abad one. I was on a ventilator because of it. That said most doctors see it as not a big deal.
thanks for replying i think the it was the waste off time going my drs i went to have my palations check out at the drs and she said are you sure its not angixty making your heart patations come on . i sait i havent got angxity. she said i can give you some heart tablets for 4 weeks see how you go then you can come of them if they make you feel worse
Yeah, trimethoprim can cause your BP to go up. Also causes nausea, stomach upset, and diarrhea. If your heart bothers you, you might want to get it checked because a very small amount of people get heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat.