Just 24hrs post appendectomy and discharged few hours after surgery. Very painful due to the gas inside me as well as the surgery. Any advice?
Help for recent apendectomy victim - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Help for recent apendectomy victim
Not much you can do other than rest, take pain relief and give yourself time to recover, the gas should disperse within a day or two. Hope you feel better soon.
Have heard peppermint can help with the effects of the gas and try to rest as much as possible. Can take up to 6wks before you do any exercise. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi there, I know how you feel, I had mine removed 4 yrs ago (I'm in the US) but I stayed in hospital for 2 days after and was in horrible pain too. I was extremely bloated and in so much pain but I found out that the hospital was only giving me a pain killer for breakthrough pain not nearly strong enough for surgical pain the first 48 hrs post surgery. Once I got more appropriate pain meds, I was better able to get up and walk slowly around the halls and that helped tremendously and I felt much better by 3rd day and continued to walk around my house after discharge and I only needed the pain meds 1 day after going home. I also used a light weight band, like for back support or pregnancy, loosely around my lower abdomen when I walked and that helped too. Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks so much. It does help to hear from others. The pain is pretty grim isn’t it! I’m trying to rest in bed between moving a little. I was discharged within hours of the op which felt v touch snd scary. I’m now 20 hours post op so can’t expect much I guess. Resting heart rate high which I guess is normal given I’m in pain.hope your recovery total. V best E
Yeah, I just can't fathom the idea of being released on the day of the surgery. Also, I forgot to mention that about the 3-4 day after surgery, I noticed that my legs felt funny and and sure enough, I had lots of fluid swelling in both legs - never had leg swelling before but thankfully it went away by the next day. Sending you strength and healing thoughts from afar.🙋