Apologies for the long drawn out/ graphic post that's about to come but I am trying everywhere for answers at this point.
9 months ago I got thrush following sex with a new partner. I treated this but it kept returning. All STD tests came back negative. Then I had a particularly nasty bout of thrush high near my cervix and was put on weekly doses of fluconozole for 3 months. But still had burning pain deep inside even when tests came back negative for thrush. I did a test for ureaplasma which came back positive so was put on Doxycyline for 2 weeks which I got retested for 4 weeks following completed course and came back negative. If anything I saw a worsening of my symptoms and have major increase in thick white discharge (looks like thrush but again all tests negative).
I went to see gynecologist who referred me for cryosurgery and biopsy of cervix to get rid of mild etropion to see if that would decrease my discharge and burning pain. I also had a pelvic ultrasound which came back all clear no further action. I've had countless bloods taken also all of which have come back normal no further action.
Following cryosurgery the burning sensation got significantly worse and the discharge has not decreased. I started taking amatryptaline for the pain which seems to have helped but I after sex I still get a deep and general burning sensation days after which pain killers do not get rid of. Also when I have my period what feels like my cervix/ vagina is in agony.
My biopsy tests came back all clear for anything abnormal or cancerous however 'patchy inflammation' was noted. I asked the gyne about this but he says this is 'normal' and nothing to worry about - but I know that what I am experiencing is not normal and cant help but think this is related.
I've been referred for a second opinion but know they're just going to say everything 'looks normal' and I will go away devastated and frustrated once again.
If anyone has any recommendations of people to visit privately about this I'd really appreciate it. I'm severely depressed at this point and don't know where to go next. Any advice of any kind would be greatly appreciated. Just please don't tell me to 'wear cotton pants, don't use soap and sleep with no underwear on' because I've been doing all of this for years.
Thank you in advance to anyone.
Ps. its also not in my head as many doctors have suggested.