I am relatively young and considered myself in good health. I am 37 years old and now facing a partial hysterectomy and I need a cheerier and posterior repair. I have been having pretty bad lower back pain on the right hand side of my buttocks. this is the pain that caused me to go get checked. And to my surprise I had a level III prolapse. I had told my doctor right after I had my last daughter about 2 1/2 years ago that things don’t feel right down there he assured me everything would go back to place. I even asked him to doublecheck everything at my last annual and he told me everything was fine. I guess I was very misled and now here I am. Surgery seems to be the only way out for me as I am so young . I do have a family history as my paternal grandmother had prolapse after giving birth to my dad he was 11 pounds. So as my doctor put it I was predisposed to having this condition as genetics play a huge factor. I just wish doctors would give women advice And educate us on how to prevent this from happening. Luckily my husband and I do not want to have anymore kids because I had to Trumatic births. I also heard 2 episiotomies And my children were 9 pounds with large heads. I was wondering if I could get some opinions as to if anyone else is having the same pain a.m. Other than that everything else is manageable. Thank you ladies for the support feel lost and alone
Lower pain in my right upper buttocks... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Lower pain in my right upper buttocks. I have complete level III uterine prolapse and I need anterior and posterior repair

Hi Nicky I have pain in my lower butt both sides. However my pain is pudental nerve damage after a bad accident. I agree with you that doctors don't tell us anything. In Asian culture women don't do housework or lift anything for a month after giving birth. This is to avoid prolapse in the future. Whatever you do make sure you're surgeon doesn't use mesh. My sister had mesh and now she's disabled for life. Wishing you all the best.esn't
Thank you for the reply I am starting to think that I have the same nerve damage as I’ve been reading up on it and it hurts when I sit on my right side and it also hurts severely when I sneeze. I will have an MRI done and hopefully get the help they need. Thank you
Try to get a ring pessary fitted if possible,it stops any dragging pains. I believe pudental pain can lessen in time naturally, so don't give up hope. Please don't rush into surgery... see several doctors ... and using native tissue for repairs, xx
Hi Nicky323,
It sounds like we’re in the same boat! I’m also 37, I have horrendous pain very low on my buttocks, both sides, and down the backs of my thighs. I have a rectocele stage 3, uterine stage 2, and cystocele stage 2. I’ve been using pessaries for the past few months. I also did pelvic floor physical therapy which was a huge help. Unfortunately, my prolapses have progressed rapidly this summer. I’m scheduled for surgery Oct 31. Let me know if you have any questions. I don’t mind talking about it.