Some months ago I discovered something "coming out" of my vagina. As I didn't know the first thing about prolapse I ran to my GP. She made me lay down to examine me, put her hand inside me, made me cough while pressing my belly and then she said: "Everything is in its place". I was shocked and I felt ashamed and neglected. I told her "I know my body and something is misplaced". She replied "nope, you're ok". I went home, touched the prolapse coming out of my body and I decided to go to A&E. A nurse saw me and she said "no doctor would see you about this, it's not an emergency at all". Still in shock I went back home and started my incredible journey. I've been in NHS doctors, private doctors, I've had private scans and I've gone to private physiotherapists BUT THEY ALL MAKE ME LAY DOWN! And when I lay down and put my feet in the frigging metal things, as I have a retro positioned uterus, it goes back to its place. I just tell them "please let me stand up, and you'll see it coming out" BUT NO, all of them do the same awfully painful manoeuvre and come to the same conclusion, "I have a mild prolapse". Well, right now I have a treble prolapse, everything inside is falling down and I'm mentally exhausted. I have a little toddler I can't play with, a husband I can't have sex with and a life without any quality. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Thank you!