I,meant 60 years of age and have been suffering with this for 2years and had surgery 2 times. Everything is supposed to be fine now but I still have a wheel chair and walker. I have seen over 10 doctors to no avail. I feel like I have a major UTI all the time but I don't. I burn hurt and suffer all the time. Test have been done,in have taken so many antibiotics i,my immune to them. I can't wear clothes anymore because of the pain.just the feeling of cloth on my skin. I wear cotton gowns. I can no longer sit for long periods of time. My husband moved our bed into the living room so I can see the television. I, m so sorry for all this complaining but I have never been through anything like this before. I need help so bad but can't get it.I also go to a pain clinic, oxycodone 20mg 4 times a day. My doctor wanted me to go to the Charleston medical center. My insurance will not pay for it. If anyone knows about this please let me know. And I also stay in prayer for my healing. Thank you all.
Pelvic Pain: I,meant 60 years of age... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pelvic Pain

Sounds like you need to see a physiotherapist. Most "non bacterial" pelvic pain is due to muscle imbalance in and around the pelvic floor.
I have the same symptoms as you. My advice is check on all your hormones see if your estrogen is low. It's so you may want to get a personal fragrance free all hypoallergenic compound with estrogen from the women's Int'l pharmacy. Google info. I pay out-of-pocket it's $40 for one month.
I'd also recommend checking on your diet … And go gluten, dairy, sugar free if you aren't already. Do you have bladder pain, or vaginal pain? Pelvic pain? These things do help. I also get perennial nerve blocks every 10 weeks. Take warm/hot baths 2x day, use heating pad over lower abs at night... Walgreens sells one that has an automatic shut off at one hour.
Do breathing exercises...google-Adrienne alternate nostril breathing...do as many times a day as you can. See a pelvic floor physical therapist that specializes in pelvic pain. Google pelvic health and rehabilitation center....read old blog posts and get the Familiar with some of the symptoms.
Have you had a CYstocopy by a urologist to check the inside of your bladder lining? You may have what's called painful bladder syndrome – interstitial cystitis... has anyone diagnosed you with this ?
Hope these tips help. God bless, stay strong. We are here to listen.
Hugs 😊
Read about Pudental neuralgia amd see if you have the same symptoms
So sorry to hear what you are going through.
Thinking of You
God Bless
X Mary
we sound like twins, i have all the pain you have and have also had 2 pne release surgeries and not seeing and improvement, dont give up and try and search for all the treatments available to you, i know its hard, but i have had mine for nearly 7 years now
I am so sorry you are in such pain. I felt the same way as you about 9 months ago. I finally saw a physiotherapist and she sent me to a physical therapist who has helped tremendously. Main issue for me was straining during urinating and bowel movements. Never hover over a toilet seat. Take miralax every day and eat plenty of fiber. I'm also taking gabapentin. I'm still not able to wear pants but at least I'm not in burning agony either. Nerves take a long time to heal. Praying for you to get a correct diagnosis very soon.
Hi howin!!! Don't apologize for complaining!!! That's what we r all here for!!!! I'm so very sorry for all u have been through!!! Believe me I know it sucks!! I have all the pain and burning u have only mine is in the rectum!!!! It's awful!!! Right now I hate my life and I keep praying it will get better!! I will definitely say a prayer for u!!! I've posted a lot here so I won't retell my story but I do know the pain and unrelenting sadness and discord it causes a person!! I too have tried everything!!!!!! I'm at a loss right now. I know stress plays a huge part in this but I'm trying to manage and it's not working!!! My therapist says I'm super depressed!!! I am!!! So much going on!!! I hope that u can find the relief and help u so richly deserve!!! My thoughts and prayers r with u and I'm here if u need to talk always!! Take care!!!
Hi karen,thank you for your sweet reply. We do sound so much a like. I stay so depressed and have a lot of anxiety. The pain pills is bad enough having take.My life is zero. I just keep praying to our Lord for healing. It will come. I don,the know when but its coming Praise the Lord!
Hi howin!! So glad to hear from u!!! Yeah it is too much to take sometimes!!! I'm tired of the depression and anxiety. I have soooo much of that in the morning as mornings r awful for me!!! I wake up with belly pain and butt pain!!!! I feel every piece of stool inside me!!!! It's the most awful thing ever!!! I just want to get up poo and be done with it but that never happens!!! It takes me about 3-4 hours before I can really do anything!!! I just want to be normal!!!! I pray that all of us with this pain will find peace and happiness!!! I hope it happens soon!!!! I've been dealing with this for five years!!! It needs to change!!! I hope u keep in touch as your posts help me and I hope I can help u!!! That's what we need!!! Each other who understands what we feel!!!! Take care and God bless!!!!
I can sure relate! It's the worst
Hi Anne!! We use to talk!!! Glad to see u r back!!! It is the worst! Tired of all the problems and pills!!!! What's going on with u? I hope to hear from u soon!!!
I am still searching for answers to manage my pain! I have recently moved to FL. Taking meds for me is a huge trade off...some take the edge off, but then I can't even function due to side effects. I am going to try a 3 week comprehensive pain rehab program if my insurance company will cover it. I wish they would come up with a viable cure for all of us who are suffering! I hope you are doing better
the female pelvic area is very complicated so your pain could be caused by a number of things.
you dont say what kind of doctors you've seen.
i've seen gynnos, digestives, and urologists and noticed there is no liaison between the departments.
so think back 2 years.how did your pain start.?
did you hurt yourself physically?
did you have a spate of constipation?
did you travel to somewhere where you could have picked up a bug or infection.?
do you eat a lot of one thing?
what i'm saying is...you must be your own detective because the cause of pelvic pain is like a minefield so dont have blind faith in doctors coming up with the solution.
i'm nearly 70 and had pain for 6 years.
a urologist prescribed a muscle relaxant and touch wood it works to stop my pain but i am none the wiser what my problem is.
and you know what i dont even care as i dont have pain any more.