Hi iv had sharp almost like tearing pain in couple of inches lower than belly button on left side. Had a month of constant diahorrea in August and had this pain ever since. Recently lower back pain (but could be postrual). Confirmed not kidney stones, so waiting on general surgery appointment. Anyone had these symptoms?
Sharp tearing like pain in lower stom... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Sharp tearing like pain in lower stomach

Hi it could be several things but as you are going to see a general surgeon it is best if you can write down a brief history as to when this started, what your symptoms where when it first started and what your symptoms are now. It doesn't have to be a long written report but it will help you and the doctor examining you. Sometimes we come away from a consultation thinking I should have mentioned this or that so taking time to write a brief summary will help you. All the best. XX

Hi thank you. I wrote down what you suggested. Igot my appointment through today. So fingers crossed will get to end of this pain. GP hopes I will get a colonoscopy, dreading that as heard horrendous stories! Thanks again. X
I think you will find the nurses and doctors will explain every thing to you and reassure you throughout. The best thing is to try to relax so they can give you a thorough examination. That will give you the best chance of a diagnosis. and treatment. All the best and try not to worry too much. XX

Hi thank you for the advice. X
I had the same symptoms back pain pelvic pain started from one side then went to the other side I had nausea and headaches and discharge smh it was very hard for me to catch on that something was wrong because it was just urinary tract infection and yeast infection which I thought was regular cuz it was during the summer and my doctor told me it was normal so I didn't think nothing of it , It truly do bothers me that I may not be able to have children even though I chose not to have any at this time but that's a choice this PID is not a choice smh . I hope everything turns out good for you there's still hope for me it's just been a long Journey
Hi I know this was along time ago, did this ever get resolved? I have very similar symptoms but on my right side. Doctors are not being very helpful and I’m at a loss,
Many thanks