I have rectocele and cystecele and am waiting for bowel to be investigated before I am put on surgical list for bladder and bowel to be put back where it belongs..hopefully...it causes a lot of hip and abdomen pain..burning and pulling sensation and bloating is so uncomfortable..it has intensified the past month but still have to wait for appointments so far apart it takes forever to get any resolve..in the meantime it gets more and more intense and takes over your life.....
Prolapse and pain caused by it. - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Prolapse and pain caused by it.

I would recommend seeing a specialist female physiotherapist while you are waiting for consultant appointments. Exercises won't fix your prolapse but will strengthen the area. She will also be able to help you with any toilet issues. You might have to make a private appointment as in many areas there is a long wait. Maybe your GP could help you with this?
I find it essential not to do any lifting and limit your standing, if you have to wait somewhere, keep moving by tip toe and down again in one place . Otherwise I just wander around in order to avoid the awful discomfort.
I never realised how awful the symptoms can be. I have a similar condition. I found having a pessary fitted (temporary) means I can walk with out being out having pain that radiated through my whole body.
The rectocele can cause constipation and impaction. (I had never heard of impaction, didn't know what it was) The consultant prescripted stool softener. You can buy them over the counter in chemists. Look up rectocele, see if you think you may be constipated. My bloating has gone. I am not getting deliberating wind as often. Am not suggesting it's a cure all 😊 But it might help you 🙉🙊🙈
How did you go about getting a pessary to support your organs? I wonder if one might help me as I have complete organ prolapse including vaginal vault descent and the urge to hold my hand underneath to provide upward pressure when things are really dragging. I've also got pudendal neuralgia so I don't know if I could tolerate one but did your GP arrange it or did you have to go to hospital for it?
Thank you to you Lynn and mc89 and rosepetkal60...your advice was helpful but I'm already doing these things.I'm afraid it's a case of patience and mind over matter pain wise....😊😖😘🌈
I'm so sorry for you - I have pelvic prolapses including a trapping rectocele and have the dragging, pulling pain and the rapid bloating, also extreme pain post defecation. I now take 2 teaspoons of whole psyllium husks in a pint of water at bedtime every day which makes a big difference to my ability to empty my bowel fully - also I'd recommend the Squatty Potty because it corrects your toilet posture so that you don't have to push to go to the toilet. I'm not allowed surgery to correct my prolapses because I have concurrent pudendal neuralgia/entrapment. I do empathise, especially because notany people understand that prolapse can be unbearably painful and it's not simply a bit of an inconvenience - it's poorly understood I think that the dragging pain that radiates through to your lower back is tiring and hard to live with.
Wishing you the best of outcomes in your treatment.
Thank you for your reply and support...I'm hoping to have surgery sometime this year but it's going to be so hard in recovery as I love my garden and not being able to potter will be so frustrating..my husband is totally useless in the support of any illness so apart from my two daughters I'm sailing alone on this one...I do think some men can be very selfish about life having any disruptions..I'm coming to the conclusion after suffering these prolapses that some men aren't interested or willing to learn about women's pelvic area problems...this site is the only way I can indulge in talking about it all...I find so many of us on here are suffering bravely in relative silence..they are inspiring to say the least💑
Poor you. Chronic pain and health problems can be very isolating. I love my allotment and had a really, really hard time accepting that I was no longer able to work it and was going to have to let my husband do the donkey work on it so that I could still enjoy planning it and watching things grow. It felt like letting go of a big part of myself.
It's always good to have women who understand your predicament to talk openly to. My family are very supportive so I consider myself very lucky but I know many men - and indeed women - don't know what to say or do when you tell them you have a debilitating problem. It's just as well you have listening shoulders to lean on here. Wishing you the very best.