I put off going to bed until I am utterly exhausted as I cannot lie down, sitting is equally painful and limits the distance I can travel. I have had so many nerve blocks and a denervation's that I have lost count. The GP prescribes Tramadol which does not help at all and I am on an anti inflammatory and 400mg of Pregabalin a day. I have pain in the sacroiliac area which goes through the body to the front groin area on the right and it is never under control.
This problem started when in South Africa on holiday about ten years ago as I needed an emergency hysterectomy, I woke up screaming and shaking in the recovery room in indescribable pain and was unable to stand upright for months afterwards, it was if my body had gone onto a spasm. Something happened to me during that operation, it has been put to me that I might have been dropped while unconscious. A gynaecologist checked me on my return to the UK and found nothing. I have had my hip checked and done so many physiotherapy exercises, tried a chiropractor and acupuncture and everything else you could think of, all a waste of time and money.
The picture is clouded as I had a spinal fusion twenty years ago, and although two top doctors I have see both said after MRIs that they can see no reason for the pain. But as yet nobody has been able to throw any light on this and it gets worse all the time.
I recently discovered this website and have spoken to Judy by email, I am now collecting my medical records and plan to go to France.
Having read many of your posts I wonder if any of you could recommend a woman's PT in the Cambridge/Lincs area, if so, I would be pleased to have their name.
I was very moved by your posts and in a sad way it has helped me to know I am not alone in screaming in silent agony.
Thank you