Can someone give me names of Drs and pelvictherapist who can diagnose pelvicmuscle injury problems anywhere in the world?
Next question: name of a pelvic organisation where you can read about it.
Can someone give me names of Drs and pelvictherapist who can diagnose pelvicmuscle injury problems anywhere in the world?
Next question: name of a pelvic organisation where you can read about it.
Dr Nel Gerig Denver Colorado
Dr Yousefi with the Nerve Bone and Joint Institute Washington DC
This is the one I attend in Australia. Out of about 3 different pelvic floor physiotherapists, this the only one that identified the right muscles I had problems with.
I have been living with pain in my pelvic area for eight years. Do not think there is a compete solution for this problem. Pain started after a 120 mile bike ride. Have never heard of anybody who has had there pain completely resolved. Have been on some heavy duty drugs. They can help somewhat but nothing seems to give complete relief.
Best drug seems to be "Voltaren Gel"
There is a book by these Stanford doctors (US). The book is called "A Headache in the Pelvis". It is really long, so maybe you can google it and read about it. I do think they say where they treat it. I know the feeling; I am getting pelvic floor PT in Sacramento. I have been miserable with this thing.
Google and read their past blog posts, will learn a lot.
Pelvic health and Rehabilitation Center-Stephanie Prendeegast is the best PT!!! Past president of pelvic pain society.
Amy Stein-Heal pelvic pain book and dvd's excellent!!
Yoga DVD-your pace yoga
Isa Herrera-ending female pain, excellent book!! Has men's version just came out
I have seen Stephanie, she's the best! And have all these. Stephanie coming out with book in 2016.
Best of luck!
Mr Taylor at Edinburgh top man for pelvic pain,google the address, hope this helps,