Hi I had a lap a few months ago for suspected endometriosis and nothing was found even though I have literally every symptom. I went back to my consultant who basically told me it's all in me head and there's nothing to be done. Iv been going back through my notes and remembered when I had my ultra sound scan that they noticed my uterus dipped in the middle. They described it as a slight Y shape. Nobody has ever re mentioned or visited this and I'm wondering if this could be a cause for my symptoms.
Heavey periods
Irregular periods
Long last periods 4-14 days
Server pain
Pains to the left side
Blood clots
Pains in thighs
Pains when passing urine in my lower abdomen and after
Sharp stabbing pains randomly
Upset stomach
These are my main symptoms. I was in cerazette but they took me off that thinking this could be the cause but it's just getting worse. Has anyone else had this? Please help I feel at a bit if a loss as iv just been discharged and left. Iv been to the docs twice and got no where. Going again tomorrow as I need answers. This is ruling my life as I'm suffering with these almost every day.