Ongoing undiagnosed pelvic floor/lower abdomen pain. I previously posted a long biog RE my 15 year old daughters ongoing health problems under `Please see below please`. I did get some helpful replies especially from Sarah who has a daughter with similar sounding problems. Now really being harassed by school for unauthorised absence due to not being able to get a letter from a GP or Consultant to say why my daughter is unable to attend school. Even had a caution and rights red at a meeting with EWO and schools attendance officer at my wits end and very stressed as to where I go from here. So Sarah if your out there maybe you could get back to me many thanks Janice
Ongoing undiagnosed pelvic floor/lowe... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Ongoing undiagnosed pelvic floor/lower abdomen pain previous blog please see below

Hi Janice,
You can e-mail Sarah privately on here if you wish. Just look at the list in the directory
Have you contacted the patient advice and liaison service (PALS) about this if they still exist ?
I am sorry to read of your dispair regarding your daughter ..I can not see why someone in the medical proffession can not help and diagnose what is wrong or give you an answer??
or even help regarding her not being at school .. if your daughter is in so much discomfort it is a misery to bear.....keep trying do not give up there has to be an exsplanation for her problem have your tried Google for an answer I find it so very good ...
.I am a young 78 and have health issues,and seen many docs and consultants but found many answers you do not get told by medical people by researching ..she is young and still maturing .........Good Luck .Margaret .x.
hell janice I would say possible endometriosis i cant understand your gp and its not right to get no support and what i would do is look some information up on both endometriosis and adhesions get them printed off and send them into the school i would also advice that you show them she is under hospital care and if they did take it further you have the evidence to prov your daughter is going to see a gynea and you are trying to address the issue authority jobs worth got nothing else better to makes me so mad keep fighting your daughters corner and keep all that you send the school a copy in a folder including reasons if shes off sick x
I think perhaps a trip to the CAB would help you sort this out And relieve some of the stress. They will help you to get all the evidence you need, and help you write letters (not that you may need help but they know what to do and when). Also get your MP involved, and your Euro MP.
The Drs and Cons don't seem to be helping, nor are sympathetic to the situation and the long term effect that this may have. I can understand that they may not want to pin a diagnosis on your daughter as she's so young, but they can confirm that she is under investigation, suffering immense pain and is having a lot of time off school. Giving your daughter such a bad attendance record is not going to help her future either.
And, at the end of the day, she's 15, with a serious condition and will be stressed as well with all the lack of support. You can ask for a home tutor and this should be provided for you even if its only for a couple of subjects. I know its an important age for exams and things but there are so many opportunities for young people who have been failed by the standard education system, to get back into education, Maybe search some local charities and youth programs to see what they can offer. Then you can walk out of the school.
Thank you Zanna, yes I will try and get an appointment with CAB on Monday unless they are open tomorrow. I have been requesting home tutoring but the EWO say that without the medical evidence they are unable to provide this. All the school seem to be concerned about are their stats and figures the new Head Teacher has never even met my daughter who is so conscientious and concerned about the education she is missing out on. Not to mention her social life that has been put on hold for nearly 2 years now. I`m just so angry that we just seem to be yet another statistic and it`s been stressful enough that my daughter has had these health problems since her first major surgery when she was aged 11 again another time she was let down being told by her GP she was probably avoiding school due to bullying? In the lead up to my having to rush her in to A&E because she was so ill, then to spend a week in hospital overhearing a sister say there is nothing wrong with her when she was crying in pain, to find out at the end of the week by an examination from a female consultant that she had a large growth which turned out to be a very large ovarian cyst which she had to be rushed down to surgery and have removed along with most of her left ovary. Sorry just started to rant a bit I know but I do feel a bit better for getting it off my chest. xx
Has she had an MRI with contrast? Or laparoscopy . try a Google search of pelvic inflammatory syndrome and pelvic congestion syndrome to compare her symptoms. God bless
Hi juliansmom she has had an MRI but not with contrast. She is now booked in to have a Laparoscopy on the 30th July 2013. However saw a pain management consultant last week who indicated that he would have suggested pain management first with surgery as a last resort. This has really made me confused. I obviously only want to do whats best for my daughter
When did your daughter last have a laparoscopy and who did it ? you mentioned she had part of an ovary removed in a previous surgery. Have you got her medical notes from the hospital about that surgery ? It may say if it was an endometriotic cyst due to endometriosis. Do you know who is doing this surgery, their expertise and whether it is diagnostic or whether it will be "see and treat" ? Things are changing with pain management consultants seeing patients initially as surgery isn't always the answer.