Hi all,
Hope you are all as well as can be.
I have a few questions if anyone can help or advise. The more I read on here I can see the connection with my own pains. I have had PBC for 10 years this year, so far I am on no treatment but this year I have felt a lot of changes within myself.
1. I have had Osteitis of my left clavicle for 2 years now, this is an infection of the bone and is a immune condition. Could this be linked to PBC?
2. I have been really tired and finding it depressing with how tired I am, every weekend I need a afternoon nap, I am 33! During work I just slow down. If I don't have a sleep I feel so sick.
3. I have had quite a few dizzy spells, it could happen when I stand, walking, sitting. Had test vitamin D low.
4. For the past 6 months my periods have gone up the wall, had bloods and scan checking for Cancer, all clear thank god but they still don't know why. My Cholesterol is 6.2.
5. Wrist pain, pain in back when standing, pain on left side of back.
6. Urine dark all the time and I drink plenty of water. I have also had flutters in my stomach it reminded me of when I was pregnant.
I know I have a lot of questions sorry, but you are the best people to ask as you may be experiencing one or all. I see the consultant in March and I am just going to tell him all, a lot of the time I say I am ok.
I have lost 23lbs in 4 months as I thought this might help with tiredness but it hasn't changed.
Any advice I will be thankful.
Thanks in advance xx