I had a appointment today with my GI to go over my labs he had requested last week. I get them pretty much the very next day on my chart. I apparently read them wrong. I was told I've gone into end stage F3 cirrhosis into the beginning of F4. But I can still stay right where Im at for a awhile before I'll need to be placed on the waiting list. It's all up to the treatment. Plus I will return in the morning for another EGD just to make sure I do not need any banding or if the varicies have grown. He said that there's no need for a biopsy at this point because all I can do now is to continue the treatment & they'll (meaning him & my heptologist) keep up with everything else. In other words, try not to stress & over think it. Just let them do the figuring. Im already exhausted from the news alone. Guess I'll plan on being down for a day or so. Please everyone, say a little prayer for me in the morning.
Stay strong❣️