Hi all should I get the flu jag? Diagnosed with PBC 4 weeks ago. Already on urso but still to have my first hospital appointment
Flu jag: Hi all should I get the flu jag... - PBC Foundation
Flu jag
My hepatolagist advised me to get vaccinated for everything I could.
I got the flu shot in Oct when I saw my hepatologist. Get all your vaccines as Pam said, hep A, B etc...
Absolutely 😊
Take it, you wouldn't want real flu on top of this. ☺☺
I always have the flu jab since a year or two prior to my pbc diagnosis in 2010, as I kept being so unwell. I know it might not make sense, but I've been fine since and have no reactions to the vaccination. Dont want to tempt fate, but I've not had flu for years.
Yes I had mine and I also qualified for the pneumonia jab as well ,
Worth reading up on homeoprophylaxis if you don't take regular vaccines. Then you may have another option. Think would only be available privately though
Yes got mine today, feel quite unwell after it but hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
I get one. I think it’s a good idea for anyone with auto immune disease.