Flu jab?: Hi All I've received a notification... - PBC Foundation

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Flu jab?

24 Replies

Hi All

I've received a notification from my GP surgery that I am eligible for the flu jab. Has anyone else been called in? I know it's optional - not sure whether to have it.

I'm assuming I've been called due to having PBC?

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24 Replies
Lisacj profile image

I've always had the flu jab and not been a problem, it's a good idea I believe with weakened immune system.

Hello Smg74.

I was diagnosed with PBC December 2010 when I was 46. I started being offered the 'flu jab from 2011 but have declined (if asked in person on the rare occasions I go to surgery).

I found it interesting reading before I started itching and was found to have PBC that on the list then there was no mention of anyone with a liver condition being eligible for 'flu jabs (I had a snoop one day when someone mentioned to me in just general conversation as that person could have one (being a carer)). But after I was diagnosed I did receive stating I was in the category that included being offered it.

I've no intentions of having the jab to be truthful. My way of thinking regarding myself is that pre-2010 and since, I'd never been prone to developing colds and the like despite certain family members around me succumbing. So I just thought why rock the boat? I can't say unless I had one but I suspect I might just then start having colds, etc if I did have the jab. I also think that certain elements that are contained within the vaccine (some are said to have mercury in them, not sure about the 'flu) the liver in particular might have to filter it out. (Probably depends on the vaccine, some are given muscular and absorbed, etc slightly differently.)

It's your decision at the end of the day whether to have or not to have. You'll more than likely find on this site there are a lot who do have it and who say you should but you'll more than likely find others like myself who hold their own views and don't have it.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to

im like you and have heard many things about not only the flu jab but all of those vaccines. lots of people think its a conspiracy i don't. i will never take it again. i'v only had about 4 in my life time. i heard about the mercury and also flouride, which is also in prozac. i got a letter the other day to go for mine, no thanks,

in reply to grace111

Hello grace111.

I've always been wary of this mass exodus of vaccines. Yes I know some can be beneficial but I also believe some aren't.

My own daughter originally had the measles vaccine in 1987 and when her brother was born in 1988 and it came for his, it was then the MMR. My daughter was recommended for it and a week later she ended up going to hospital with what was originally thought childhood arthritis (all her joints ceased), her face took on a swollen appearance and she'd not been ill (she was never a sickly child at all) but no-one would say it might have been the vaccine. Reading side-effects years later (you never really see patient info if a nurse at GP surgery does), I believe it was this that was the cause. My son was fine of course.

I had the hepatitis vaccines put across to me when I started working in a medical environment about 4 years prior to starting with this itch of PBC (diagnosed with PBC 2010) and I am convinced the course that ws done over several months might somehow have kick started PBC but unless one day someone can verify I am just left wondering.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to

i would not be the least surprised. look at all those poor soldiers with gulf war syndrome. its terrible what they do for money. i know of a few families with whats called autism and a lot worse. as i was part of a group, we used to meet up. there are many whistel blowers telling us about the vaccine industry.!!!

in reply to grace111

Yes I know what you are talking about here, THAT subject. I've no experience of autism but that's a different subject.

I can't help but wonder if a lot of conditions 'out there' hve been originally caused by man's dabbling in things.

Also we have to remember too that we are surrounded with things nowadays (plastics for one) that well over a century ago didn't really exist.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to

I meant to say im so sorry about your having this PBC. i dont think i will take another vaccine, i noticed when i was in hosptat that they were giving us injections in our stomach every night. that is quite a new thing and i dont trust the pharmaceutical companies one bit.they make medicines for aids that cost a fortune and there are so many side effects that you need other medicine for the side effects. it makes me sick. sorry to hear also of daughter. i'v heard many stories of this sort. love grace. god bless you and your family. xoxo❤️

in reply to grace111

Hello again grace111.

The injection in your stomach in hospital is to apparently stop any blood clots. My sister had when she was in a couple years ago.

Think it is a new thing as you have said but me neither I don't trust doctors (due to past experience - my former late husband and then father).

I think nowadays there is a lot of vaccines, drugs, etc given 'just in case'.

Interesting programme aired on UK tv last 2 weeks (2 parts) about a scientist who went to work in a GP surgery here in the UK. He was curious as to whether patients could do without medications and did some experimenting with 2 patients who said they'd take part. Results were great but I think it would only be possible for certain conditions. I think with this PBC I don't think in my case (I'm only on urso, nothing else. Not even had any painkillers in 7yrs., year before I started to itch), taking away the urso would perhaps be such a good idea. I know taking urso doesn't guarantee anything but at the same time we just don't know if it going to halt PBC or if it would have gone that way without urso. This 'PBC lark' as I call it is quite baffling and at the same time like travelling into the unknown as we continue on life's journey.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to

yes i know just like the flu jab is apparently to stop flu. i know that bill gate's funded many many thousands of people in some far away country (third world) with vaccines, its not the side effects that one might get within a day or so they. can do damage years down the line. i once asked the nurse what was in the flu jab and she did not have a clue. you'v got it right and thats what matters now. all my love dear.so sorry about that PBC. love grace xoxo🤗

jayneypickles profile image

Like you I'm recently diagnosed and found out I was eligible... I had the flu jab earlier this week and no side effects so far... Just thought it is a good idea as some days it's hard enough up get up in the morning and get on with things without catching somebody else's germs... I suppose time will tell😃

Becca75 profile image

is the Flu Jab a flu shot?

I've never had it.

in reply to Becca75

Yes it's the flu vaccine Becca

Oidra profile image

Ask your consultant. Mine holds the view that in my case it is more damaging to my immune system to have a bout of flu than to have the vaccine. I would go with what your consultant advises for you as we are all very different and what is right for other people may not be the best option for you.

Rosehip19 profile image

That makes perfect sense, Oldra. I am having my jab tomorrow as I have done for the past decade. I have never experienced any problems. I appreciate that some people are wary of the medical professions in the widest sense, but look at it this way - what choice do we have?

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Rosehip19

im so glad that people still do what they think is right for them, and people can have different views without attacking each other, love grace xoxo

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. I'll contact my consultant to see what he advises.

Roll on summer and sunshine again!...LOL

jemlola profile image
jemlola in reply to

Hi Smg74

I posted the same question about a month ago. I took on board the advice provided here and from my Gp and decided in my case to have it done. So I have had the pnuemonia and flu jab done at the same time. Aside from having a sore arm and feeling a bit wasted for a couple of days, I have been ok. Most winters usually near Christmas I end up with a bad cold. I just think that before my diagnosis of pbc if I had flu I would probably use over the counter medcines to control fever, headache and muscle aches. I know that if I contracted it now I would be wary about taking even paracetomol.

Take care and I guess in the end you will make the decision that is right for you.

Hope you are feeling better soon Treefrog xx

Louedwards profile image

I received one too. Doctor told me its because i have liver issue. I havent taken it up ive only ever had flu once. Cant see the point 😊

Emma715 profile image

Hi peridot, I have had diagnosis on Wednesday by a consultant and waiting for a fibroscan and another scan. (didn't quite catch what it's called) You have me thinking about vaccines because, last year I had a full course of vaccines inc hep B, as I am going into placement in a few weeks as a Social Worker. Although I suppose I wouldn't want the diseases that the vaccines protect me against. It's an interesting concept of the possibility of kick-starting. My symptoms have been with me for a few years and they have definitely got progressively worse over the last 12 months. 🤔

Anyone with a chronic illness is offered the flu jab but I think it's a matter of choice and worth looking into so you can make an informed decision.

I've only ever had one real dose of flu in my life and I think if ever I had it that bad again now I have other health issues I wonder how I'd get over it , it's bad enough getting over a common cold so I've always had mine every year for 7 years.

58goose profile image

Interestingly I was told the PBC didn't make me eligible for the flu jab but the medication I take for my blood pressure did! I had my jab a couple of weeks ago and apart from a sore arm for about 24 hrs I've had no other reaction to it. Having had a bad dose of flu once years ago (the full blown, everything hurts even your eyelashes!) I don't think I could cope with having it again now so it was an easy decision for me.

I used to have the flu jab but can't now as I'm on Stelara for my psoriasis. Lowers my immune system and so I'd have no way to fight the flu virus in the jab

Twinkle26 profile image

Anyone with a prolonged illness will get called as we are vulnerable apparently lol.

I won't have it myself as too many people I know of have had a pretty bad flu after first jab gets better with yearly Repeat but I'm not convinced.

Mum suffered quite bad knocked her back for few weeks she got over it I know but I will take my chances.

If our own choice.

Best wishes.

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