Hi friends - just checking in to see if flu shots are safe for folks with PBC? I haven't gotten one yet because of all of my recent illnesses, but am better now and am wondering...thank you!
Flu shot?: Hi friends - just checking in to... - PBC Foundation
Flu shot?

Hello JennyCville.
It seems the norm to be offered flu vaccinations in the UK where I am if you have PBC. I have to say though for me I've never had them. My own choice. I never had any pre-PBC diagnosis Dec 2010 but was offered after diagnosis.
I don't have because I have never really been prone to colds/chest problems and for me I couldn't help but wonder if I did have the flu vaccination would I then be more prone to starting with colds.
Even though we are offered flu vaccinations (free in the UK if you are what is considered a vulnerable group) it is personal choice as to whether you take the medical professionals' advice.

Thank you! Because of my immune deficiency, I am at risk for severe infections, so I have to get the flu shot..but wasn't sure if it was okay for "us" pbc folks!

Hi Peridot. I agree with you regarding the flu injection. Every time I had one, I really got sick. What I have taken 2 years ago is the Pheumonia injection, which lasts for several year, and they recommend older people (not you, you still a spring chichen) to get the injection.
Thanks for the input Rockie.
Yes I do know about the pneumonia vaccination and there is also one known as zosta (connected with chicken pox). I received the usual letter from my GP about 5 months ago now and it had these 2 as well as the flu but it wasn't that specific in stating if you were being offered all 3 as it was a standard letter that was adding that 'some patients may be....' offered the latter two.
Regardless, at this point I'd not actually take up the offer. I might in future but for now feel I am doing quite fine minus.
I believe the zosta can help counteract anyone contracting shingles. I had chicken pox as a child and know that when my own children and then later date my niece and nephew had chicken pox I never came down with shingles that you can apparently acquire if you have had chicken pox in the past.
When I had bloods taken last month the nurse asked if I had had the flu jab, I get it every year as I have bronchietesus, and she said people with pbc should get it.
Thank you for getting back with me! I love the fact that this board is international, because flu "jab" sounds much more fun than flu "shot."
Be well, new friends!
It became a requirement to be offered it free when I was diagnosed. I have also had the pneumonia too.
Flu jab every year for last 7 years, not had any signs of flu since. Never been offered the pneumonia one though so may ask why next time I go to GP.
Hi Jenny, they are recommended for us as is the pneumonia vaccination. X
I have had flu jabs for the last couple of years with no adverse effects and thankfully two winters free of colds/flu.
best wishes
Hi JennyCville
I have been diagnosed with PBC for 14 years and I get the flu jab every September/ October, I get my husband to have one too, and our daughter as she is our carer. I stay away from people with coughs etc fingers crossed I have stayed quiet well. Take Care keep well JennyCville
Hello JennyCville plus everyone else who posted on here with t heir opinions plus their uptake of the flu vaccination.
For JennyCville's mention of staying away from people with coughs, etc. I have to say that though I don't have this vaccination (not had any others for that matter) I tend to be surrounded by a brother and son who seem to have perpetual colds at certain times of the year. My brother who is mid-40s seems to succumb to colds almost every month. He has a meal at my home once a week and almost every week he says he is snuffly or has some cold (he refers to as 'man flu'!) and then goes on to say that he has yet again no sense of taste. So far over the years I've not contracted whatever he has.
Hi, I have had on every year for the last 8 years and never had any sort of reaction too it, but not had a pneumonia one.
I can't get the pneumonia shot, as I have no immunity to it and it will only make me sick (immune deficiency is complex and different with everyone.) I do have flu immunity, so they typically want me to get the flu shot (jab!) I do have to stay away from sick people...but my weekly infusions of gamma globulin help me to stay healthy. Thank you, everyone!!
So glad this thread was posted as I was wondering why it was that I had to approach my GP and gastro doc to ask for Shingles, Hep and pneumonia shots as protection. Having had shingles twice in the last 4 years I have to wonder why neither of my docs were not proactive about recommendations? Thank goodness for tv commercials to tweak my brain lol!
Shingles vaccine is not available to people under 70 years of age on the NHS,
Just my 2 cents to add to the pile -
I had the same question when I was diagnosed with PBC. My doctor said, yes definitely get the flu shot because he does not want my liver to go through the extra stress of fighting the flu.
I asked my pharmacist for a shingles shot (because the advertise flu shots and shingles shots right there in the pharmacy). He said shingles shots were reserved for people over 55, and that if I wanted one then I had to ask my regular doctor.
Google - who can have a shingles vaccine? Vaccinations - NHS choices.
Ah, that makes sense now Chynablue, here in the UK you only qualify for a shingles vaccine given free via the NHS if you are over 70, even then you only qualify for the 2015-2016 cohort if you are aged 70, 71, 72, 78 or 79 years of age, anyone without those age ranges will not be offered a shingles vaccination.
Yes you should get the flu vaccine and you can not get the flu from the vaccine as it is not a live virus.