In my recent blood test, my ALP tripled but my total bilirubin went from 1.0 to .9. I also recently did an MRI where the doctor said there was no further progression of the disease in the last three years. Has anybody experience this or does anybody know what this means? I see my doctor in a week to go over the test results.
LFT - ALP is up total bilirubin is down - PBC Foundation
LFT - ALP is up total bilirubin is down

Actually, my ALP doubled
danaLL...I can’t answer that. I’m sure someone here has better insight on it. Do you take Urso? I had my hepatic lab this afternoon. Always nerve racking waiting for results. We never know which way enzymes will go. Maybe your dr will have a good answer for you. Take care🌺
Thank you gwillistexas. I am on urso, have been on it for almost 9 years since I was first diagnosed. I am guessing that ALP can fluctuate a lot and that total Billy ribbon is a better measure of the progression of the disease. I am not too stressed but I do hate waiting for test results.
You’re welcome. I remember my dr saying ALP & bilirubin are the two he watches mostly, for now. I’m sure if my AST & ALT were elevated he’d watch those also. He did say bilirubin may fluctuate. So many variances with this mess. Pls let us know what your dr says about ALP.
Dana my doc told me liver health is reflected in tests..... pt, ptt , bili, albumin, and lastly all phos..... I also had a lab error once so go by the other labs and how you feel..... I find myself worrying too
Alk Phos are not specific to the liver. Levels of alkaline phosphatase -- an enzyme in the blood -- can be elevated by liver disease, or less serious conditions including pregnancy and over-the-counter drug use. Best to have your doctor answer that question.
Per PBC treatment guidelines for doctors: Evaluate all patients for their stage of disease using a combination of non-invasive tests (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, albumin, platelet count, and elastography) at baseline, and during follow-up.
Elevated serum bilirubin and ALP can be used as surrogate markers of outcome for patients with PBC, and routine biochemistry and hematology indices should underpin the clinical approaches to stratify individual risk of disease progression.
I hav been on urso for 4 years and now my ALP has risen ( don't know by now much). My GI has ordered an MRI of my liver to see if the cause is there. Waiting for the MRI appointment. Apprehensive as this is first time any results have risen. Good luck, let us know how you get on. Diane
Good luck with your test. I’m sure everything will be fine. After almost 9 years of having this, my levels have risen but according to my doctor I’m still very healthy my disease is progressing very slowly. Try not to stress is that is worse than any bad food, drink or anything else you can do your body !
I have had PBC for 26 years. My tests go up and down and never know why. I'm on Ursofalk and Imuran. I still work and can manage my life. Try not to worry too much, do not stress, rest when you feel you need it. Be aware of what you eat and drink and you'll live a long life. I'm 59.
Gold luck, lot of energy and happy days to you!
Yes thanks dodo for your kind words 😃