Hi Everyone,
I was diagnosed in April with PBC. My LFT's and GGT were through the roof--I am talking an Alkaline Phosphatase of 1400. I began taking URSO, and after 2 months, my ALP had gone down to 366 and my AST and ALT were in the high 40's--down from 200 or so. All was well, but just had my blood drawn yesterday, and everything is up again. ALP 650, ALT 160, AST 120. I go to my hepatologist next week. He had a note on my results asking if I had quit taking my medicine--I have not--he is concerned about this spike and says he will put me on Imuran. So my question is--does anyone else's LFTs fluctuate this much, and can someone tell me about their experience with Imuran? It appears to have some not so fun side effects.
Thanks so much,