Has any body recieved an abnormal blood test for vitamin d. See my doctor tomorrow to discuss
Pbc/Aih: Has any body recieved an abnormal... - PBC Foundation
Yes I have! I believe it's another effect of PBC and our "absorption" issues. Additionally, with our immune issues, extra Vitamin D never hurts. My doctor prescribed 50,000 in once a week all winter and then cut back to 5000 units daily. Seems like our livers impact all aspects of our physical well-being. (Or our "not-well" being!)
Yes it is a PBC issue. I am prescribed 50,000 units weekly. Once your vitamin D drops you start to experience a lot of unwanted pain in your bones, muscles, joint & whatever else🙄.It's awful.
Hi janine541; my vitamin D has been low in the past, dr prescribes increase dose then rechecks in a couple of months-- low probably due to PBC? Not sure, just know our bodies work better with optimum vitamin levels, PBC puts us at greater risk of malabsorption. All fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) are checked once a year by my dr. Be sue to tell us what your doctor says!
Yes I have. I have a daily supplement of 800ui.
I am always low in Folic acid and have to take it daily, it's like being pregnant again !!
Yes it's quite common, it's a fat soluble vitamins which we don't do very well & being in the UK we don't have much sun neither, I now take another tablet a day.
And if you are unlucky to live in a Northern part of the UK as I do you the odds are probably a bit more stacked against you as it is found that even people who have no health problems can have a low Vitamin D count after the winter months due to our lack of sunshine. This summer has been a total washout and apparently we only have until late Sept and then Vitamin D is said to not be absorbed due to the sun rays in the cooler seasons.
I was 'on the line' at diagnosis with my Vitamin D levels but the consultant wasn't recommending supplement. Given it was winter when I was diagnosed and I stated I'd never been a sunbather and for some years worked when the sun was at its highest so indoors I said the summer that would be upon us around 5mths later I'd utilise it and that is what I did when I could. My count was normal on a recheck. These days I don't care, I sit in the sun and walk in it when out and about if fortunate to have sun.
I also have low vitamin D, and the nurse at my hepatologist's office confirms this is pretty common for us PBCers. I was prescribed 50,000 mg for 6 weeks earlier in the summer, then cut back to 800 mg every day. I will get new labs done in early September to see if any improvement.
Low Vit D is common for most people that live North . I don't think it's totally PBC related. But it is fat soluble which is an issue we have