I posted Thursday I had blood work after being on Ursodiol for one month. Platelets were 11000, should be above 150000. Was put in the hospital. They took me off the Ursodiol thinking it might be causing it. Yesterday my platelets were up to 55000. They put me back on Ursodiol yesterday and are testing me today and tomorrow to see if platelets go down or continue to improve. I pray that the Ursodiol has not caused this problem. I have had ITPs, where my platelet count has been low before. I think this episode was caused from the streets of my diagnosis of PBC and then having a liver biopsy on July 29. I am 68 years old and have always felt that I was healthy, so was really shocked when I was diagnosed with PBC! This sight has been so helpful to me! It helps to hear of others that have worked through their problems!
Update: platelets dangerously low - PBC Foundation
Update: platelets dangerously low

Hello KansadJan.
Sorry to read that you are in a bit of turmoil at the moment with PBC and abnormal platelets count.
I can't really comment as I don't know much about this.
I do not think the urso is having anything to do with this but I expect a doctor wants to do a bit of experimenting just to see what findings he/she can figure out from it.
As far as I can recall all the time I've been on this site (virtually from when it was started up several years ago now) I've not read of anyone post about platelet counts and the urso.

The nurse just gave me the results from today's blood work. Platelets up to 78,000 today! Ideal range is 142,000 to 424,000 so have a way a to but at least I'm in a safer zone! Prayers are being answered! Should be able to go home tomorrow!
I don't think i've ever had my platelets tested?
I have recently had my bile salts tested but never had my platlets tested.
If they run a CBC in your blood work it shows your platelet count. How do they test your bile salts? I am home from the hospital, but have to go for blood work and follow up appointment Wednesday. I have been worn out today. Wednesday will be a long day with 6 hours on the road - 3 hour drive to Doctor and 3 hours back home! Wanting to get some rest so I can enjoy my 50 year class reunion on Saturday!
I'm glad that you find the site helpful me too
I'm glad you're here. it's nice to hear how others are dealing with things and tips etc. \