Anyone get a stitch type pain in the right hand side around liver area can feel also like a spasm type feeling never had it before but woke me up last night had to get out of bed to ease it still got it today but not so bad any ideas should I take a painkiller .Take Care.
Stitch feelings: Anyone get a stitch type... - PBC Foundation
Stitch feelings
I get this occasionally. Sometimes it lasts for a few hours other times a few days. The pain can vary from a mild stitch to intense breath taking pain. I take painkillers and place a hot water bottle or wheat bag on the area of pain.
Hope this helps. xx
Hi Cavi,
I get this pain daily. I find that cold helps. I have a cold pad that I keep in the fridge. It is actually supposed to go in your pillow case to keep cool at night. However, I use it for my liver area. Sometimes, I will alternate that with a heated wheat bag.
Thanks for reply Any idea what causes it ?
Hi Cavi,
Liver pain or pain in the Right Upper Quadrant is one of the symptoms listed for PBC. Some people get the pain and some don't. I guess just like many of the PBC symptoms, everyone is different. I found this link that explains a bit of liver pain, however it doesn't mention PBC.
For me, I find digesting food causes me pain as well lifting anything too heavy or if I have done too much in a day. This has been a great cause of frustration as I never used to have such pain before.
If your pain continues, you might want to get it checked out, just to make sure it isn't something else that is causing it.
I hope this helps! Please take care!
I have had the same for three days wondering what it is also x
Hi cavi
I was diagnosed with Pbc earlier this year. I have had the pain in my right side all the long. It's on & off but most of the time is more of a dull ache. I find if I do too much or lift heavy things starts it off. It does say it's one of the symptons . Hope this helps. Good luck everyone x
Yes I do, I think it's inflammation painkillers make mine worse so I just try to ride it out,not had a dx yet so take milk thistle hep didn't say anything when I told him this.