Hi couple questions had a Fibroscan last week the Doctor that did it at Q.E said result was 13.2 no idea what this means any idea just said no change from last one 2 years ago also does this type of scan detect Esophageal Varices Thanks for replies if any one knows Take Care Cavi
Fribroscan : Hi couple questions had a... - PBC Foundation

No idea if it shows varices but I wouldn't have thought so as it shows the stiffness of the liver , I had a fibroscan a few years ago that was 13.5 but I was told I had a fatty liver ....I lost 2 stone and my reading came down to 7.5 . I'm suprised they didn't explain anything to you !
On my first diagnosis I had a reading of 6 now up to 11 but still stage 2 so not a worry. I think once it reaches 15 you are stage 3. I've not heard that diet can reverse liver disease. Once its compromised you can't go back, or so I understood. You need to get them to explain.
Actually livers are remarkably regenerative. I am a RN with PBC. I was diagnosed at stage 1 with fatty liver disease four years ago. By losing 40 pounds and following a mostly vegetarian diet with only rare sugar and processed food my fibroscan four years later showed Stage 0 with no fatty liver disease. In fact the tech who did my scan told me I had one of the leanest livers she’d ever seen. We can’t cure PBC but in many cases we can successfully manage it.
I believed that too at first but with a major change in diet and exercise my scans have gone from 8.2 to 4.1 over five years. At my last doctor’s appointment I asked if it was possible I was reversing it and she said it can be done, but most people never make the changes they need to make. You CAN make a huge impact with your choices. Don’t give up!
Why don't the specialists tell you this??I have actually lost 6 stone since diagnosis and have not improved my liver at all. I'm thoroughly confused
I would be happy to have a chat and fill you in on what I did. If you want to talk message me and we can figure out a time.
my doctor does the fibroscan too. I’ve never been given a number like that. I’m just told what stage I’m in. Perhaps you can call their office and ask what stage the scan shows. I hope you get your mind settled wish I understood the number thing. Can you google perhaps “fibroscan number whatever yours was and say what stage of PBC does this show…
The fibroscan does not find varices - you need an endoscopy for that. Fibroscan looks at the stiffness and fattiness of the liver.
Thanks for all your replies Take care all x