I have a friend who has cancer but luckily is doing very well and all seems fine. All through her illness there was so much support from Macmillan Nurses, Oncology department, GP and all her questions answered with time spent onnher but with PBC cirrhosis the support you get is minimal. The site here is such a help of course but wouldn't it be good if our illness was more acknowledged. I have PBC Stage 4 cirrhosis, a heavy bleed from varices, and not the longest of life span now with a pretty difficult and unpleasant time to come but there are few people in the medical field or even media who pay attention to us. in fact it is rarely mentioned and if it is it is usually related to alcohol. Whoever we are and for whatever reason we might have got cirhossis, there should be more acknowledgement and understanding of the disease
Perhaps one day someone will do a documentary on it, after all many medical,programmes and media coverage have included heart problems, cancer, kidney disease, obesity, lung disease..seen and read most of them but the good old liver...where is that mentioned? usually under the breath as if it is an embarrassment.