Hope there are some knowledgable people here today, who might be able to help. I’am told paracetamol is okay to take and at the moment ( the last four days) I’ve had to take it every four hours to get my temperature down it all seemed fine until today now every time I take it I immediately vomit. Does anyone know if there is a limit to how long you should take it.
I was put on antibiotics yesterday have an infection somewhere but doctor not sure where good eh, either uti or chest. When I vomited I thought it was a side effect, which is listed but it happens within less than five minutes of taking the paracetamol I’ve contacted him but was told to take ibrofen instead that’s a no no isn’t it.? Does anyone know of anything else I can take to lower my temp.
Not really happy with the antibiotics either he said they were okay but it’s so difficult when get to see a nurse specialist who then goes to speak to the GP for confirmation as she’d never heard of pbc. Don’t get me wrong she was very thorough and professional.