Has anyone been told that Ursodiol can cause pain and bloating in the upper right abdomen liver area? My MD told me that and had my lower my does of Ursodiol and now the bloating is gone and pain is much better .
Pain and bloating in the upper right abdome... - PBC Foundation
Pain and bloating in the upper right abdomen area.

I suffer with painful bloating but I have never been told that being on URSO may be the cause.
Hello friendozzy.
Prior to starting urso Dec 2010 I just had itching and was at the time fatigue. I had no pains nor bloating and I didn't suffer odd bouts of constipation either. After starting on urso for a few months following I did experience some bloating and also became constipated and I suffered heartburn. These symptons did vanish in the first 3 months of taking urso. In the few years since urso I have experienced the bloating and also heartburn and I put it down to the changes in the manufacturers of urso as I have taken 3 different ones since diagnosis. (Started on one known as Urdox but that was withdrawn July last year and then I had to have the mgs altered due to no more 300mgs. I found the Ursogal ones were the worst on me so asked for a change and currently I am taking Destolit which I have not really experienced any problems. I personally think the different fillers in tablets are the cause with urso and not exactly the urso itself.
The leaflet that I got with my urso does mention the odd side-effect like diarrhoea, feeling sick and itching!
Although I do not experience right upper quadrant pain it is apparently said that liver patients can feel a bit of lliver pain. There are others on this site I have noted before who have mentioned so they may be able to contribute further?
Hi, first off, I'm in Australia, and the brand name for the Ursodeoxycholic Acid I take is 'Ursofalk'. After taking 500 mg per day for many years my new hep. doctor told me to increase my dose to 1250 mg (a recent ultra sound showed that I had moved into cirrhosis stage - my LFTs still are, and have been stable since first starting Ursofalk) - anyway, after about 3 weeks on the new dosage I began noticing pain in the upper abdomen (felt like I had a constant 'stitch') so I checked the 'Consumer Medicine Information' sheet accompanying the Ursofalk. While it lists a number of 'side effects' that may occur, it highlights one in particular.
As quoted: " During the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis , tell your doctor immediately if you or your child notices any of the following:
* Severe right-sided upper abdominal pain"
I would suggest you read the 'Side Effects' portion of the 'Consumer Medicine Information' sheet that came with your brand (if you haven't already) for guidance. I notice that Peridot's leaflet doesn't include 'right-sided upper abdominal pain' so if you are using the same brand a phone call to your doctor may be in order.
Hi I trust you are on capsules?try tablets.i suffered the same until I realised I might be reacting to fillers in capsules.no problems whatever on tablets.best wishes
Yes I am on the capsules going to have to try the tablets. Thank you for letting me know.