Can anyone tell Me how I can order methylcobalamin ampoules. My dr who prescribed them has retired. Ideally somewhere I can buy directly and if not a Dr in UK who prescribes them.
Can anyone tell Me how I can order methylcobalamin ampoules. My dr who prescribed them has retired. Ideally somewhere I can buy directly and if not a Dr in UK who prescribes them.
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You can get Methylcobalamin ampoules from a manufacturing chemist in Munich ,Germany . You need to establish contact by email — manufaktur@arnika-apo.de
Tell them what you want .they make 2 strengths - 1 mg and 5mg ampoules .They understand English . You can also phone them on. +4989452468468. You can pay in advance by PayPal .
I didn’t find Methylcobalamin any more helpful than Hydroxocobalamin. .But maybe you do . Best wishes .
Thankyou so much that is amazing . Yes I have got a wonky enzyme that stops me converting hydroxy so methyl has changed my life . Thankyou
You do not have a wonky enzyme that stops you converting hydroxocobalamin.
The enzyme that converts hydroxocobalamin to cob(II)alamin is the same enzyme (MMACHC) that converts methylcobalamin to cob(II)alamin.
Yup, as soon as any type of B12 enters the cells MMACHC removes the top ligand (methyl, cyano, hydroxo, oe adenosyl) to form cob(II)alamin. From then on all forms are identical.
I'll be that the enzyme you are talking about is MTHFR. A mutation in the MTHFR gene is extremely unlikely to have any noticeable effect. Any effects it does have can be mitigated by taking methylfolate as a supplement. Taking methylcobalamin cannot be of any help at all.
Well whatever it does it works for me . I went from bedridden to living and working a normal life . There is obviously still something there that science can not explain and potentially needs researching
So you are saying that hydroxocobalamin did nothing?
Same to me . Hydroüocobalamin doesn’t work at all . Only methylcobalamin works for me and need it quite often. Only thing is it has side effects like severe acne... but that is ok compared to the pains given by not taking it. I tried hydroxocobalamin many times also added 400 mcg methylfolate, just simply doesn’t work. Luckily Iam in India now and we get methylcobalamin easily..
canadadrugsuperstore.com. This is where I purchase from.
You say that you are in the UK and a doctor prescribed methylcobalamin for injection. But it isn't licensed in the UK. So a UK doctor couldn't prescribe it and a UK pharmacy couldn't supply it.
You are coming across quite aggressive I am not sure why this is annoying you so much . It was an environmental practitioner who was also a medically registered UK Dr . I was just trying to find out where I could get methylcobalamin as it had really helped me . I was not making any claims that it was the answer for everyone.
I also need methylcobalamin regularly and am worried due to brexit about how to source it if arnika is no longer an option.
As far as I am aware, they do not supply ampoules as requested - just vials of powder. Which at least need saline for injections - a prescription-only product in the UK.
Are you saying you were able to purchase Saline for Injections without a prescription within the UK?
Thank you I have used it before and will do again when my supplies are gone. However if anyone knows where it can be obtained already made up ready to inject I feel more comfortable with that rather than having to reconstitute and then store until I need all the doses.
We do not recommend methylcobalamin dry powder for reconstitution and use for multi dose purposes.
In brief, once this has been opened and reconstituted it is no longer sterile and thus not suitable for storage and use at a later date (high risk of contamination due to lack of sterility).
There are many posts with more information about this if you want to use the search posts function.
We always advocate use of single dose ampoules - these are of medical grade quality (recognise that this is what you are looking for).
Good luck with locating single dose ampoules.
This post is being closed to further replies to negate further discussions about the use of dry methylcobalamin powder for multi dose use following reconstitution.
An unsafe practice and therefore a safeguarding issue - as discussed frequently in the forum.
Thanks all.
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