Not sure if this is the right place to post but need some advice. Above are my levels. I know the ferritin is on the low side of “normal 13-200 range and iron is a little low of “normal” 37-145. What supplements can I take to increase these safely?! My other vitamin levels are low also being: vitamin D is 26 (which I already supplement for) and b12 is 288 (have weekly injections) for this. Please advise any suggestions on how to increase ferritin. I stay exhausted and have RLS, along with dizziness and hair loss. Any advise would be greedily appreciated. Don’t have drs appt until the 20th. I started an iron supplement of 65 mg and vitamin c of 1000mg today. Just don’t know if that’s right or what?! Thanks in advance for any comments.
Ferritin 23 and iron 74: Not sure if... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Ferritin 23 and iron 74

Both iron and ferritin look OK. It's not like B12, where it's possible to be symptomatic with 'normal' B12 levels. The ranges for iron tend to be pretty accurate. I've found I need to be well below normal before I have symptoms. Which I don't have since I started taking Solgar Gentle Iron. Just 25 mg every other day works.
I'm surprised your B12 is just 288 with weekly injections.
That was my B12 level before starting injections. I still think some of my symptoms are from ferritin being low. But we shall see
Ah! Makes sense.
The iron/ascorbic acid supplements you're taking should sort out any iron problem.
So the iron supplements with the vitamin c should help????
The Vitamin C may not be necessary. It depends on the form of iron in the suppliants. But it can't do any harm. The vitamin C is good at getting the iron into solution, as is citric acid - so taking the pills with orange juice is a good idea.
Ferritin is far to low. Mine is similar but i cant tolerate the prescribed iron tablets so i take spatone in liquid form and drink it with fresh orange.
Your ferritin is too low and your D3 and B12. Has your Dr done any investigation as to why they are low? It’s possible that there is a gut absorption problem. I would be asking him to explain or investigate why they are low
That’s a very good point. I have an appt next week and I will surely bring up the gut thing. Thanks for the input.
Am just speaking from experience. My levels were low for years and Drs just gave me supplements until I asked why they were low. They then tested for Coeliac which was my issue. I wasted 3 yrs of feeling rubbish because two Drs didn’t investigate why levels were low. Good luck finding out what is going on