Hi everyone! I'm quite new here, and was just diagnosed with pernicious anemia (somewhat--more later) a month ago.
I essentially had overwhelming fatigue for several months, to the point where I finally realized it must be a medical situation. When I went to the GP, she tested my B12 levels (as I'm a vegetarian), and I was somewhat deficient (level around 200). We both thought this was odd because I take B12 oral supplements daily. When tested, I tested negative for anti-parietal antibodies, but positive for intrinsic factor antibodies. My GP then informed me I would need to take sub-cutaneous injections for once every two weeks after initially taking injections once daily for a week. I don't know if I can call what I have pernicious "anemia" because my red blood count was normal, and my GP said there was nothing to indicate anemia, and that we had caught it due to the B12 deficiency and it had not turned to anemia.
I have taken a week's worth of B12 injections, and do not feel like my fatigue levels have improved much. I'm still quite tired, I still get out of breath after very little activity and cannot exercise. I also feel like I lose my train of thought quite easily (much more so than before). Some of my minor symptoms seemed to have resolved--I no longer have random muscle spasms, and I no longer have cracked corners of my lips, which is great, but they were not my primary issues.
I also have experienced weight gain (~10-15lbs over the last 6 months) and am eating less than ever. My doctor has dismissed this out of hand, and claims that I must be eating more than I realize despite counting calories rigorously and sticking to 1200 a day. My TSH levels are normal, so she said it couldn't be my thyroid.
I'm wondering how long B12 injections take to work in someone only mildly deficient? I'm also wondering if there's anything that accounts for weight gain? I'm visiting a hematologist in a month's time, and I want to make sure I ask the right questions, if possible.
Thanks everyone for the help!