Good evening all. I have not been on in awhile but have been going through a rough patch.I have both pernicious anemia and I suffer from being hypothyroid. I take 175 mcg of Synthroid and I get B12 injections every 2 weeks . I also supplement with sublingual. I was hoping someone would be able to tell me if MMA and homocysteine levels remain high even with B12 treatment or does the levels go down to within range with treatment?
Pernicious Anemia Information - Pernicious Anaemi...
Pernicious Anemia Information

Once I started to self-inject weekly B12 ( Although diagnosed PA. patient with neurological symptoms ) my GP would only let me have 1 injection every 3 months— insufficient), my homocysteine level dropped from 16 to 7 .
Yes they are supposed to drop with sufficient b12. You might consider increasing frequency especially if you still have symptoms. Plenty of us need weekly, EOD, daily, or even twice daily, even years after starting treatment.
Thank you for your response...I don't mind getting injection, but I'm squeamish when it comes to self injections. I'm trying to get up the courage to do it 😩 😄😊.
You can do it, I promise you! My mother was getting progressively worse on tablets but didn't want to inject because she was so scared of needles, her stomach would turn! My intention was to go slowly, i let her see the subcut needles I was using and watch me do it, the next day I had her put the needle together and fill the syringe and I did the injection for her. Next day she went for it herself - I was actually surprised! Very hesitant and scared of course, but she did it! And now she brags about how needle phobic she was but did them anyway Still does them and she feels SO much better. As we all do when we start injecting at the frequency we need.
Take the plunge, so to speak Take your time, do it in steps, acclimate yourself. When it comes to the actual injecting, it is VERY scary at first, I won't sugar coat it, but it's just a matter of training your brain to accept that it's normal to poke yourself, and that just takes repetition.. after a few times it won't be scary at all.
There are also auto injectors that you load up and then just press a button to inject - you never see the needle going in. Some people swear by them.
I do subcutaneous b12 injections. Just as effective I've found after 2 yrsrs.
I still have the IM ones at the surgery hoping they will be more effective or last longer .
Apart ftom 1??
Still waiting